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Longyou Qiaoxia Primary School Liu Liping Last weekend I cleaned the room. What did you do? Last weekend I watched TV. What did you do? Last weekend.

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2 Longyou Qiaoxia Primary School Liu Liping

3 Last weekend I cleaned the room. What did you do? Last weekend I watched TV. What did you do? Last weekend I played football. What did you do? Last weekend I washed clothes. What did you do?

4 Karen Carpenter 卡伦 · 卡朋特 Karen Carpenter( 卡伦 · 卡朋特 ) 与她的哥哥 Richard Carpenter( 理查德 · 卡朋特 ), 组 成卡朋特乐队。《 Yesterday Once More 》(昨日重现)、 《 Top of the World 》(世界之 颠)、《 Please Mr. Postman 》 (请等一下,邮差先生)等歌曲 广为人知,其风格享誉美国歌坛。昨日重现

5 Yesterday Once More ( 昨日重现 ) When I was young I’d listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs. When they played I'd sing along,it made me smile. Those were such happy times and not so long ago. How I wondered where they'd gone. But they're back again just like a long lost friend. All the songs I love so well. Every shalala every wo'wo still shines. Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine. When they get to the part, where he's breaking her heart. It can really make me cry just like before. It's yesterday once more. 圈出歌词中表示过去时的动词

6 规则动词不规则动词 play — clean — listen — climb — water — visit — plant — wash — watch — cook — … played /d/ cleaned /d/ listened /d/ climbed /d/ watered /d/ visited /id/ washed /t/ watched /t/ cooked /t/ did planted /id/ do — … is/am — ? are — ? read — ?

7 What did Ms Liu do last weekend? Ms Liu________ ______last weekend Ms Liu Ms Liu was ________yesterday. climbed mountains

8 1.What did Wu Yifan do Saturday morning? 2. What did Wu Yifan do Sunday morning? 3. Why did Wu Yifan visit his grandmother? 4. Did Wu Yifan help his grandmother clean their room? He visited his grandmother and cooked noodles. He played football with his friends. Because it was his grandma’s birthday. No, he didn’t.

9 Wu Yifan ___ busy last weekend.He _____ ___ ________ Saturday morning.It ____ his grandma’s birthday.They _____ _______ together. was visited his grandmother cooked noodles was

10 Wu Yifan ___ busy last weekend.He _____ ___ ________ Saturday morning.It was his grandma’s birthday.They _____ _____ together.In the evening, they ______ ___.Sunday morning,Wu Yifan ____ _____with ___ ______.In the afternoon,he _____ _____ and ______ ___ _____. was visited his grandmother cooked watched TV played football washed clothescleaned his noodles his friends room

11 Talk about Wu Yifan’s last weekend. ( 说一说上周末的吴一凡 ) Wu Yifan was busy last weekend. Saturday morning he _________... Sat. Sun. morning evening afternoon visited his grandparents cooked noodles watched TV played football washed clothes cleaned his room last weekend Sun. Sat. morning

12 请同学们帮老师批改 Zoom 的小作文. play → played watch → watched do → did Hello! I’m Zoom. I am happy last weekend. On Saturday, I water the flowers and play football with my friends. Then I watch TV with my mother. On Sunday morning, I played computer games. In the evening, I do my homework. What a happy day! am → was water → watered

13 Write your last weekend. 写一篇小短文。 My Last Weekend Hello! I’m …. I was …last weekend. On Saturday/Sunday, I … (with…) in the morning. In the afternoon, I … (with…). In the evening, I …. What a happy / … day! Tips( 小贴士 ): did homework listened to music played football /… watered the flowers watched TV washed clothes cooked noodles climbed mountains visited grandparents cleaned the room painted...

14 Homework 1.Finish P16 in workbook. ( 完成英语作业本第 16 页.) 2.Retell your article to your family members. ( 把你写的短文复述 给家人听. )

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