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Ch. 16:1 RUSSIA - Birth of an Empire. Birth of an Empire Russia began in the 9 th century (800s A.D.) Vikings settled between the Baltic & Black seas.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 16:1 RUSSIA - Birth of an Empire. Birth of an Empire Russia began in the 9 th century (800s A.D.) Vikings settled between the Baltic & Black seas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 16:1 RUSSIA - Birth of an Empire

2 Birth of an Empire Russia began in the 9 th century (800s A.D.) Vikings settled between the Baltic & Black seas They adopted the customs of the local Slavs

3 The Tartars & Ivan the Great In the 13 th century, Mongol warriors called Tartars invaded Mongols controlled the region until the 1500s Moscow prince Ivan the Great put an end to their rule

4 Russia Expands Rapidly Ivan & other Russian leaders expanded east They added more territory and people Despite the growth, Russia lagged behind Europe in science & technology

5 Ivan the Great Tower in the Kremlin, Moscow

6 Peter the Great Peter the Great was czar of Russia from 1682-1725 He tried to modernize his empire He built St. Petersburg and moved the capital there from Moscow

7 Peter’s Great City: St. Petersburg

8 Catherine the Great Catherine the Great was the czarina of Russia from 1762- 1796 She brought about many changes in the empire Russia continued to lag behind other countries, however

9 Czarist Russia The royal family and the wealthy of czarist Russia lived a life of great comfort and enormous luxury.






15 The Peasants Most of Russia however, was made up of landless peasants who were desperately poor & uneducated.

16 Female Peasant – 1790’s

17 “Bread, we are starving!” 1933

18 A few Peasants were lucky enough to leave Russia.

19 The Russian Revolution During WWI (1914- 1918) people’s anger with the czar exploded The Russian Revolution of 1917 ended the rule of the czars The Communist Party, under V.I. Lenin, took control

20 V.I. LENIN - Leader of the Bolsheviks (Communists) & 1 st Leader of Communist Russia

21 The Soviet Union The Communist Party took control of the region’s economy In 1922, the USSR was formed (Soviet Union) By the time WWII broke out in 1939, Josef Stalin was the leader of the USSR

22 The “Iron Curtain” The Soviet Union fought against Nazi Germany After WWII, Stalin installed pro-Soviet governments in Eastern Europe (Iron Curtain) The Cold War followed between the U.S. & USSR

23 Collapse of the Soviet Union Rivalry between the U.S. & the Soviet Union continued until the 1980s Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev gave more freedom to the Soviet people The USSR collapsed in 1991

24 The Soviet Economy The Soviet system was based on the ideas of Karl Marx His ideas became known as communism The soviet economy was a command system – the central government made all important economic decisions

25 Economic Control & Planning The government controlled Soviet land, mines, factories, banks, etc. Soviet planners decided what to produce & the cost put on the products

26 Collective Farms & Industrialization Rapid industrialization was a major Soviet goal Collective farms were established to increase food production Millions starved - more than 14 million died under Josef Stalin

27 Aftermath of the Soviet Union In the end, the Soviet Union (1922-1991) was a colossal failure The political, economic and human costs of communism were enormous to Russia Leader, Vladimir Putkin, tried to improve the economy.

28 Russia’s Rich Culture The Soviet Union could not destroy Russia’s rich culture Russia has numerous ethnic groups – 80% are ethnic Russians The major religion is Orthodox Christianity; religion & art are closely related in Russia

29 Land of Artistic Genius Renowned writers Aleksandr Pushkin & Feodor Dostoyevsky wrote about Czarist Russia Peter Tchaikovsky and Igor Stravinsky were among the world’s best composers

30 Traditions Survive Changes Despite modern changes and new freedoms, many old Russian traditions remain: People still have homes in the country called dachas The Russian-style sauna, a banya, is still popular

31 Transcaucasia Ch. 16:2


33 1. People used Transcaucasia as a ______________________, especially as a _______________ between Europe & _______. The__________ Sea Sea led to the trading routes of ______________________, and roads leading to the _______________ began at the______________ Sea. 2. __________ brought so many different _______________ to Transcaucasia that Arab _______________ called the region Al-Alsun, or the_______________________. 3. ____________ and ___________ faiths arrived in the __________ at an early date. In A.D. 301, ________________ made _____________ the first state in the world to adopt ________________. migration route “Mountain of Language” King Tiridates III Ch. 16:2 – Transcaucasia gatewayAsia Black Mediterranean Europe Far EastCaspian Migrantslanguages geographers ChristianMuslim Armenia Christianity region

34 4. Not long after the ____________________ beginnings of __________ in Southwest Asia, _______________ invaders stormed into the __________________ and converted many ___________________ to Islam. 5. In the 18 th century, the _________ of the ___________________ joined the list of _____________, By 1723, _____________________ generals had taken control of __________, the capital of_______________. 6. By the early 1920s, the _____________ - the name of the ____________ ____________ - had taken control of _______________________. 7. The ______________ of Transcaucasia regained their ________________ _________________ in 1991 after the fall of the________________. seventh-century Baku Soviet Union Red Army Islam Muslim South CaucasusTranscaucasians troopsRussian Empire invadersPeter the Great’s Azerbaijan Soviet militaryTranscaucasia republicspolitical independence

35 Baku, Azerbaijan

36 Soviet Housing in Azerbaijan

37 Soviet Industry Remains in Operation

38 8. Today, _________________________ in the Transcaucasian republics includes __________, agriculture, and large-scale _____________________. The ____________________ lowlands and ____________ of the region are ideal for expensive crops such as _______________ and _______________. 9. The significance of______________ in Azerbaijan is reflected in the country’s _________, which means ___________________________ 10. Although ________ are _________ for many, Transcausasia has a well- -deserved reputation for ________________. The Georgian___________, or dinner __________ can involve breathtaking quantities of _______ & drink. economic activity supra oil tourism oil production humid subtropicalfoothills teafruits name“land of flames” timestough hospitality food party

39 The supra – a tradition in Georgia


41 1. ____________ first began to make their way across ____________ Asia in large _____________ around the year___________. 2. Traders called this ___________ the________________, after the costly fabric they acquired in ___________. 3. ___________ on this route slowed in the ______________, giving way to less expensive__________routes. 4. Interest in Central Asia ____________ again in the _________________ when _______________ and _____________ began to struggle for control of the ____________. 100 B.C. sea Silk Road Great Britain Ch. 16:3 – Central Asia Russia TravelersCentral numbers route China Traffic14 th century exploded19 th century region


43 The Silk Road (in red)

44 The Great Game is a term used to describe the rivalry and strategic conflict between the British Empire and the Czarist Russian Empire for supremacy in Central Asia. The classic Great Game period is generally regarded as running from approximately 1813 to 1907. Following the Russian Revolution of 1917 a second, less intensive phase followed.

45 Islam in Central Asia

46 5. By the ________ of the 19 th century, the__________________ had control of ________________. 6. In the 1920s, the________________ took control and _____________ the __________ until 1991. 7. Between 1949 & 1989, Soviet ____________ exploded 470_______________ devices in northeastern ________________. Winds spread ____________ over a ______________-square-mile area, exposing _______________ to dangerous levels of ______________. Russian Empire Soviet Union end nuclear Central Asia governed region scientists Kazakhstanfallout 180,000millions radiation

47 Semey, Kazakhstan – children suffer from birth defects due to nuclear fallout.

48 8. Soviet _____________ contributed to the _______________ of Central Asia’s cultural _____________ after assuming ___________ there in the 1920s. They __________ the region into________ new nations that corresponded to the largest ethnic groups. However, they deliberately left ____________________ of one ethnic group as a____________ in neighboring _____________ of another ethnic group. 9. Although Central Asia has endured decades of ______________ under ____________ & Soviet rule, the region’s __________________ have survived. The expansive ________________ of Central Asia are ideal for_____________. They have no ________________ home & move according to the ___________ from place to place in search for ________, water, & grazing land. five minority plannerscomplexity geography control carved large numbers republics upheaval Russian grasslands traditions nomads permanent seasonsfood

49 nomads

50 Interior of a yurt

51 Central Asian Nomads

52 10. Among the most _____________ possessions of those ____________ are their tents-- called____________. yurts valuablepeople

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