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 Purpose: to learn more about myself and my disability  Abilities and Strengths: Organized Sociable Self-Motivated  Disability: ID-Mild  Future: Graduate,

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Presentation on theme: " Purpose: to learn more about myself and my disability  Abilities and Strengths: Organized Sociable Self-Motivated  Disability: ID-Mild  Future: Graduate,"— Presentation transcript:


2  Purpose: to learn more about myself and my disability  Abilities and Strengths: Organized Sociable Self-Motivated  Disability: ID-Mild  Future: Graduate, work a job, live on my own

3  Organized Who: John Bryant (Principal at Glenn Marlow) How: Get Good Grades Future: Get and Maintain a Job  Sociable Who: Ty Pennington How: I have a lot of friends Future: Interview well, Work with people

4  Self-Motivated Who: Helen Keller How: I do well in school Future: I will get a good job and meet my goals

5 ID-Mild (Intellectual Disability Mild) Who: Sylvester Stallone Albert Einstein Dwight D. Eisenhower

6 Common Characteristics  sit up, crawl, or walk later than other children;  learn to talk later, or have trouble speaking,  find it hard to remember things,  not understand how to pay for things,  have trouble understanding social rules,  have trouble seeing the consequences of their actions,  have trouble solving problems, and/or  have trouble thinking logically.

7  How: Have trouble in school Difficulty making friends Hard time understanding how to use money  What: Need to know how it affects me Need to ask for accommodations that can help me

8  Future: Have difficulty with applications Have difficulty in interviews Making a budget, paying bills Drivers’ license  What: Ask for help Ask for accommodations

9 Education My Goal: To get training as a child care worker Step 1: Graduate from high school Step 2: Enroll in certification course at Community College Step 3: Save money for course

10 Living My Goal: Live on my own Step 1: Get license Step 2: Get a job Step 3: Save money for down payment and for rent

11 Work My Goal: To be a child care worker Step 1: Gain experience in child care Step 2: Pass certification exam Step 3: Apply and interview for child care jobs


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