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Lizzy Seiden & Ashley Lennon. What is a biography? biography bio = life, graphy = writing written retelling of a person ’ s life “‘ breathe life and meaning.

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Presentation on theme: "Lizzy Seiden & Ashley Lennon. What is a biography? biography bio = life, graphy = writing written retelling of a person ’ s life “‘ breathe life and meaning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lizzy Seiden & Ashley Lennon

2 What is a biography? biography bio = life, graphy = writing written retelling of a person ’ s life “‘ breathe life and meaning into people and events ’” (Tunnell, M.O., 2012).

3 Activity Partner up, share your story, and have your biography created!

4 Typical Personalities in Biographies Scientists and Inventors Thomas Edison, Wright Brothers, Alexander Graham Bell Political Leaders Presidents, senators, kings, queens, monarchs, etc. Lincoln Tells a Joke by Kathleen Krull People from the arts Artists, Musicians, Actors, Authors Sports personalities Athlete or person in the public eye

5 Typical Personalities in Biographies Explorers and Adventurers Men and women who live dangerously to push back the frontiers of science and geography Amelia Earhart : The Legend of the Lost Aviator by Shelley Tanaka Humanitarians Mother Theresa, Florence Nightingale People who overcome tremendous odds Helen Keller Annie and Helen by Deborah Hopkinson & Raul Colon Villains Adolf Hitler Other Interesting People Give children the sense that everyone, not just big names from history, has a story and can make a contribution Barnum’s Bones by Tracey Fern

6 Types of Biographies Authentic Biographies True nonfiction Anne Frank by Josephine Poole Autobiographies Individuals write about their own life Collective Biographies Contain a number of short biographical pieces about subjects who have a common trait Complete Biographies Spans the entire life of a subject

7 Types of Biographies Fictionalized Biographies historical fiction written in a narrative rather than completely nonfiction Partial Biographies Cover only a segment of the subject ’ s life Picture Book Biographies Brief, heavily illustrated Simplified Biographies Aimed at newly independent readers I am Rosa Parks by Jim Haskins

8 Read Aloud Me…Jane by Patrick McDonnell Caldecott Honor Book

9 Kathleen Krull Works with her husband, illustrator Paul Brewer “ When I was 15, I was fired from my part-time job at the library. The reason? Reading too much—while I was supposed to be working. ”

10 References Clinton, C. (2007). When Harriet met Sojourner. New York, NY: Katherine Tegen Books Corey, S. (2012). Here come the girl scouts!: The amazing all-true story of Juliette ‘Daisy’ Gordon Low and her great adventure. New York, NY: Scholastic Press. Fern, T. (2012). Barnum’s bones. New York, NY: Farrar Straus Giroux. Hilliard, R. (2007). Ham the astrochimp. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press. Hopkinson, D. (2012). Annie and Helen. New York, NY: Schwartz & Wade Books. Keating, F. (2012). George: George Washington, our founding father. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. Kerley, B. (2008). What to do about Alice?: How Alice Roosevelt broke the rules, charmed the world, and drove her father Teddy crazy! New York, NY: Scholastic Press. Krull, K. (2003). Harvesting hope: The story of Cesar Chaves. San Diego, CA: Harcourt, Inc. Krull, K. & Brewer, P. (2010). Lincoln tells a joke: How laughter saved the President (and the country). Harcourt Children ’ s Books. McDonnell, P. (2011). Me...Jane. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Co. Martin, J. B. (1998). Snowflake Bentley. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Co. Parks, R., & Haskins, J. (1997). I am Rosa Parks. New York, NY: Dial Books for Young Readers. Poole, J. (2007). Anne Frank. London, ENG: Red Fox. Tanaka, S. (2008). Amelia Earhart: The legend of the lost aviator. New York, NY: Abrams Books for Young Readers. Tunnell, M. O. (2012). Children’s literature, briefly (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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