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Integration of a medicine dispenser unit to the ThereGate system Matthias Füller Viktor Kovács 28. 09. 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of a medicine dispenser unit to the ThereGate system Matthias Füller Viktor Kovács 28. 09. 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of a medicine dispenser unit to the ThereGate system Matthias Füller Viktor Kovács 28. 09. 2010.

2 Introduction  Problem of aging society  Elderly people with dementia  Forget to take medicine  Leaving home without any reasons  Everyday activities get difficult  Monitoring everyday activities  Faster response times when intervention is required  More accurate information for medical assistance

3 The purpose of the project  The medicine dispenser product is given  ThereGate monitoring system is also available  Enhance the medicine dispenser with wireless communication capabilities  Integrate to the ThereGate system  Sends information about events  Medicine taken  Forgot to take  Optional: higher level processing of the collected information, alert medical assistance

4 Overview Medicine dispenser ZigBee module ThereGate server ZigBee network ZigBee interface

5 Key steps of the project  Reengineering the medicine dispenser (1 week)  Getting the communication of the ZigBee modules working (2 weeks)  Integrating the ZigBee modules to the network (2 weeks)  Developing the ZigBee module software for the medicine dispenser (2 weeks)  Design and implement a ZigBee based extension board for the medicine dipenser (2 weeks)  Testing and evaluation (2 weeks)

6 Risk management  Radio communication problems  Complicated BitCloud ZigBee software stack   Change radio hardware  Small free space in the medicine dispenser   Put the extension board outside  Determination if the medicine was really taken using  A passive tilt sensor  The information available from the medicine dipenser   Further consultation with the manufacturer

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