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1 Lessons learned from the EU project: E-learning Quality for SMEs - Guidance and Counseling Morten Flate Paulsen NKI Fjernundervisning

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Presentation on theme: "1 Lessons learned from the EU project: E-learning Quality for SMEs - Guidance and Counseling Morten Flate Paulsen NKI Fjernundervisning"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Lessons learned from the EU project: E-learning Quality for SMEs - Guidance and Counseling Morten Flate Paulsen NKI Fjernundervisning The presentation is available via: A 30-minutes presentation at the Gevinst Workshop 08.06.06, Oslo

2 2 NKI Internet College: Operated by NKI Distance Education ( Online education since 1987 (Nearly 60 000 course enrolments) Broad spectrum of subjects from secondary to master level About 470 distance education courses online About 6900 online students in at least 35 countries About 70 % women Revenue of 7 million Euros in 2005 You may start whenever you like Individual progress plans Always room for more students Exams at local schools and embassies Online students get better grades May 2006

3 3 NKI has completed 9 EU-funded projects on e-learning. Three more started in the fall of 2005: Megatrends in e-learning provisionMegatrends in e-learning provision Incorporating mobile learning into mainstream education and trainingIncorporating mobile learning into mainstream education and training E-Learning Quality for SME’s Ukeavisen ledelse

4 4 The ELQ-SME project The general aim of the project is to promote the use of the new multimedia technologies and a guidance and counseling approach in order to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to online resources and training services as well as tools to evaluate the quality and the return on investment in e-learning targeted in SME’S from the trade and services sector. NKI’s aim is to become a more attractive provider of e-learning for Norwegian SMEs. NKI receives 33.165 of the 2-year project fund which is 378.301 euro.


6 6 Project Partners Promoter –Centro de Formação Profissional para o Comércio e Afins - CECOA (Vocational Training Centre For Trade) PortugalCentro de Formação Profissional para o Comércio e Afins Partners: –NKI NorwayNKI –Berufsförderungs-Institut AustriaBerufsförderungs-Institut –Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche (Research Institute for In- house Training) GermanyForschungsinstitut Betriebliche –Tartu Ülikool, Kaugkoolituskeskus (University of Tartu, Distance Education Centre) EstoniaTartu Ülikool –Confederació de Comerç de Calalunya SpainConfederació de Comerç de Calalunya –Profitwise PME the NetherlandsProfitwise PME

7 7 Work Packages 1.State of the Art, Quality Standards 2.Performance Improvement Program 3.Conception of ROI Methodology 4.Implementation and Evaluation of ROI Methodology 5.Validation of ROI Methodology 6.Learning Guides Development 7.Project Quality Management Plan 8.Valorization Plan

8 8 EU-definition of SME It states that SME: “…is made up of enterprises which employ fewer than 250 persons and which have an annual turnover not exceeding 50 million euros….” So far, few SMEs in Europe have e-learning experiences

9 9 The project will publish a book in the fall Introduction about quality in e-learning Case-descriptions that may be included – KPMG Norway – York Refrigeration – Interpolis – Local Rabobank Branches – Infocut – Medilabour – A-punkt – Elektro-Biergans – ETraining OÜ – Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank - BIG – Librería Álvarez – Tuca Informática Analysis of case descriptions

10 10 Quality in e-learning State of the Art Report on Distance Learning and E-learning Quality for SMEs (24-page report) Much info about distance education and higher education Many EU-initiatives on e-learning Short article focusing on relevant issues for SMEs

11 11 Categories of Cases Large institutions Individual students enrolled in commercial online courses that are relevant for their employer, Online course providers.

12 12 Danish report: Effekter af e- læring: Fem business cases Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling, IT- politisk center, august 2005 Hydro Texaco Danisco York Refrigeration Rosenholm Kommune Copenhagen Business School

13 13 YORK Refrigeration Training installation of cooling systems and reparation of cooling system components. Web-based e-learning used in conjunction with classroom and workshop training as individual learning and as manuals and documentation When the e-learning was introduced, the customers were included as a secondary target group. For them, the value of the e-learning initiative has a much larger potential and a much better effect than expected. The video “ York Icewater Plant ”is available via Per Schou-Nielsen explains how York is using these tools in a Danish video interview, which is available via (

14 14 Elektro Biergans ( German SME with 12 employees within trade sector eLearning used for further training in office management For Dagmar Biergans it was not possible to join classes two times a week for one and a half years. Minerva online focuses especially on women as a target group not being able to attend face to face seminars because of their family situation.

15 15 a-punkt ( SME within service sector, dealing with architecture, involved in eLearning project dealing with soft skills/competencies. A-punkt has 3 employees. One of them has enrolled in a project management course, which is designed for employees in a firm.

16 16 Kristin Løvvik: "KPMG har valgt denne løsningen fordi den er svært fleksibel i forhold til tid og sted. Våre ansatte kan gjennomføre kurset når de har anledning til det, og de slipper å bruke tid på reise til våre sentrale kurslokaler. Vi mener også at dette er en kostnadseffektiv og rask måte å oppdatere kompetansen innen en virksomhet som er spredt over et stort geografisk område.” Over 400 ansatte i KPMG må beherske den nye regnskapsloven før neste regnskapsår. De valgte å samarbeide med NKI om å utvikle og gjennomføre dette som nettbasert opplæring. Kilde: Nettskoleavisen, juni 2005Nettskoleavisen, juni 2005 KPMG Norge Case Case Description

17 17 Course Registration

18 18 The employees’ start page

19 19 The course pages

20 20 Reports

21 21 Model for cost effectiveness

22 22 Model for cost effectiveness

23 23 We want to develop a spreadsheet or web- application that calculates, compares and illustrates the costs related to face-to-face seminars and ”online course hotels”. So I wonder if anyone have developed such spreadsheets or web-applications that we may have access to? We are also interested in references, links or pointers to articles or web-applications related to cost effectiveness and ROI for e-learning in SMEs.

24 24 ROI-related links med demo av produkter: htm htm

25 Thank You! The presentation is available via: Questions?

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