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Hyperinflation as a result of war (German example) BY MICHAL TOMÁNEK.

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Presentation on theme: "Hyperinflation as a result of war (German example) BY MICHAL TOMÁNEK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hyperinflation as a result of war (German example) BY MICHAL TOMÁNEK

2 What will I talk about What actually is a hyperinflation The situation in Germany after the war Hyperinflation in Germany

3 Defining hyperinflation What is an inflation? ◦Sustain increase in the price level of goods ◦Is it a positive or negative proces? Hyperinflation = extreme type of inflation ◦Caused by money creation ◦political decision

4 Inflation rate „Healthy“ inflation rate oscillates between 2-5%(per year)

5 In Czech Republic and most of Europe is nowadays lower than 2% (per year) ◦Low inflation can also cause some economical problems Phillip Cagan described hyperinflation as a state when an inflation rate exceeds 50% per month Hyperinflation causes huge socioeconomic problems ◦Devaluation of savings, fast changes in prices Hyperinflations are usually associated with war

6 Situation in Germany after the WWI Borrowed money to fight the war (with aim to win it) Country destructed by war Lost a significant part of its territory Forced to pay reparations

7 Germany after the WWI Destructed towns, factories

8 Territory losses

9 Hyperinflation in Germany (1921- 1924) After the war the value of German Mark started to decline from approx. 4 to 9 Marks per dollar The Treaty of Versailles => 32 marks per dollar in 1919 In November 1921 the repartions were set to 132 billion Goldmarks ◦Paper Mark were losing value Raparations started a rapid devaluation of Mark


11 Moving from a high inflation to a hyperinflation In 1921 Germany began to buy foreign currency with Marks->faster devaluation of Mark Germany unable to pay reparations in time -> French and Belgium troops started an occupation of Ruhr Valley in January 1923 Germany lost a significant part of its industrial territory By November 1923 the dollar was worth 4,210,500,000,000,000 marks Situation was stabilized by establishing a new currency – Rentenmark


13 Summary Hyperinflation is an extreme type of inflation Is usually caused by a decision of government to finance its deficits by money creation Devaluates savings Is associated with wars

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