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Let’s Talk Health-Yours!! Dr. Dane Donohue Owner of Wellness Solution Centers in Newtown,Pa Developed 8 Weeks to Wellness National Program Married, two.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Talk Health-Yours!! Dr. Dane Donohue Owner of Wellness Solution Centers in Newtown,Pa Developed 8 Weeks to Wellness National Program Married, two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Talk Health-Yours!! Dr. Dane Donohue Owner of Wellness Solution Centers in Newtown,Pa Developed 8 Weeks to Wellness National Program Married, two boys, age 13 and 17 My Mission: Get YOU Healthy!

2 Why Are We Here? Knowledge give us permission to perceive our reality differently. Fundamental Attribution Error Change our level of health through better Awareness and Intentions Clear Direction Ample Motivation Supportive Environment

3 The Next Generation According to new research from the National Institutes of Health: Over the next few decades, life expectancy for the average American could decline by as much as 5 years. This will be the first sustained drop in the modern era.

4 America Will Spend… $2.6 trillion this year on health care and according to the Congressional Budget Office, that equates to $8300 per person or 18% of the GDP. This means that a family of 4 will spend on average, over $33,000 this year on health care expenditures.

5 Do You Know Where The World Health Organization in 2008 and 2010 currently rank America’s Health Care System ? We Spend The Most… Is Our Health Care The Best?

6 1. France 2. Italy 3. San Marino 4. Andorra 5. Malta 6. Singapore 7. Spain 8. Oman 9. Austria 10. Japan 11. Norway 12. Portugal 13. Monaco 14. Greece 15. Iceland 16. Luxembourg 17. Netherlands 18. United Kingdom 19. Ireland 20. Switzerland 21. Belgium 22. Colombia 23. Sweden 24. Cyprus 25. Germany 26. Saudi Arabia 27. United Arab Emirates 28. Israel 29. Morocco 30. Canada 31. Finland 32. Australia 33. Chile 34. Denmark 35. Dominica 36. Costa Rica 37.United States of America

7 Preventable illness makes up 70% of the burden of illness and the associated expenses. — The New England Journal of Medicine Question: Do we have a shortage of medication or a shortage of people making good choices?

8 Before 8WW Program After 8WW Program A Picture is Worth… KNOW YOUR NUMBERS!

9 Your body is self-healing and self-regulating. You live your life through your Nervous System Environment

10 Are your genes killing you? In Detroit 100 cars roll off the assembly line. 3 of the 100 will not make it.. Law of odds In Philadelphia 100 baby's will be born 3 of the 100 will not make it.. Law of odds

11 How is a car built? Cars have: Blueprints Parts Systems Assembly

12 How are you built? Humans have: Blueprints Parts Systems Assembly

13 How long will your car last? What determines the life of a car? Fuel Garaged Kept Oil Changes Car Wash/Wax Tire Rotation Experience of the Driver One word…. Responsibility

14 How long will you last? What determines your life span? Eat Movement Thoughts One word… Responsibility

15 Cultivating Healthy Habits HABIT Knowledge (WHAT) Attitude (WHY) Skill (HOW) “Who you are speaks so loudly that I can’t hear what you say.”

16 What Are The 3 Three Main Causes of Poor Health? Thinking Poorly Moving Poorly Eating Poorly

17 S tudied 23,000 people’s adherence to 4 simple behaviors (not smoking, exercising 3.5 hours a week, eating a healthy diet [fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and limited amounts of meat], and maintaining a healthy weight [BMI <30]). In those adhering to these behaviors, 93% of diabetes, 81% of heart attacks, 50% of strokes, and 36% of all cancers were prevented. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(15):1355-1362 “EPIC” Study


19 Does thought create emotion or does emotion drive thought? Past/Future: Thought Emotion Present: Emotion Thought PTC: Present Time Consciousness

20 How can I feel good? (pleasures) Or What is a good life? (gratifications ) Remember feeling good is a by-product of doing something good, not a motive in and of itself.

21 Cardiovascular Endurance Mobility/Flexibility Training Strength/Power Training

22 The best time to begin Exercising is sometime between yesterday and tomorrow!

23 What is the Purpose of Eating? a. Something you do so your spouse sees that your busy. b. Gives the beer something be absorbed by. c. Energy or Nourishment.

24 Food is Your Fuel for Energy Food provides energy for performing activities of daily living

25 Food is a Mixture of 3 Macronutrients. Can you name them? Protein Carbohydrate Fat

26 Nutrition Facts: Calories 290 Calories Total Fat 9 g Total Carbohydrate 31g Dietary Fiber 5g Protein 22g Understanding Food Labels A packaged danish

27 What is another name for TransFats?

28 Question How many teaspoons of sugar in a 20 ounce soda? Bonus question – what is the average pH of a soda (diet or regular)?

29 Other Helpful Hints Rediscover your kitchen and crockpot Plan Plan Plan-5 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 5 dinners Get 2 refrigerators/freezers Weekly shopping: Stick to the Perimeter primarily: Produce; Meat & Fish; Dairy and eggs Buy Organic, especially dairy Consider a meat delivery service Bulk Shop monthly

30 Eating Out Don’t look at the menu The average restaurant portion size is 4-5 X a normal size The calories add up quickly No Starch-Double Vegetable Split meals and ask for the “to go” container ahead of time No bread before dinner!

31 Jim “ I’ve gone from existing to living” To date, Jim has lost over 140 lbs.

32 What is the #1 Rule at West Point Academy? Lead By Example

33 Liberty + Responsibility = Freedom

34 “To achieve personal meaning one must transcend subjective pleasures by doing something that points and is directed to something or someone other than oneself by giving himself to a cause to serve or another person to love.” Victor Frankl “Become less selfish and more self-less”

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