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VOLCANOS BY LAUREN AND MARIA. WHERE DO VOLCANOS OCCUR?  Chile  Hawaii  Costa Rica  Alaska  California  Canada.

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2 WHERE DO VOLCANOS OCCUR?  Chile  Hawaii  Costa Rica  Alaska  California  Canada

3 WHAT CONDITIONS DO VOLCANOES MAKE?  Hurts people really bad  Destroys the area around it  Magma or hot lava blow up  Destroys nature  Spew steam, ash, lava and toxic gases

4 HOW DOES A VOLCANO ERUPT?  The Magma builds up in the volcano  The Magma puts presser  Rocks melt into Magma


6  Barren Island, Indian Ocean 2010  Bezymianny, Kamchatka, Russia 2011  Chaiten, Chile – 2008  Piton de la Fournaise, France 2010  Fukutoku-Okanoba, Japan 2010  Grimsvotn, Iceland 2010  Katla, Iceland 2011  Kirishima, Japan 2010  Nabro, Eritrea 2011

7 FUN FACTS  Up to 50 erupt each year  The word volcano comes from the name Roman God of Fire  Some volcanoes are on the ocean floor in Iceland  Eruptions can send ash high into the air  The biggest volcano is on Mars called Olympus Mons

8 WHAT CAN VOLCANOES DO TO PEOPLE?  They can cover people in ash if they did not already die of suffocation  They can kill people  They can really hurt people

9 THE END  Thanks for watching!

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