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Futures industry USA is guiding to the world and undertakes the massive efforts on maintenance its leading positions. At this moment on american market.

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Presentation on theme: "Futures industry USA is guiding to the world and undertakes the massive efforts on maintenance its leading positions. At this moment on american market."— Presentation transcript:


2 Futures industry USA is guiding to the world and undertakes the massive efforts on maintenance its leading positions. At this moment on american market of the trade futures and options contract are conducted on nine exchanges. At this moment on american market of the trade futures and options contract are conducted on nine exchanges.

3 Chicago Board of Trade The largest commodity exchange of the world is american Chicago Board of Trade, on which futures and option deals are made with: cereals (wheat, corn, oats, soybean-bobs), oil-bearing (soya butter), precious metal (gold and silver), securities and bond USA, municipal bond, index of securities and bond.

4 This exchange first begin trade percent futures, carrying in 1975 contract on hypothecary certificates of the Governmental national hypothecary assotiation, but in 1977 - an urgent contracts on bonds of the state loan USA. At this moment on exchange operations on 37 future contract and 39 types of options are conducted. The size of trade in 1998 reached 218,2 million contracts and 61, 4 million options.

5 Chicago Mercantile Exchange The second-largest on american market is Chicago Mercantile Exchange, but on it is sold not so much goods. The subject of the deals: cattle, pigs, carving woods.

6 The main amount of the deals accounts for securities USA, currency (australian dollars, canadian dollars, french and swiss francs, german marks, pound sterling, japanese yen), eurodollars, indexes of the shares and others. In 1998 on this exchange operations on buying and sale 52 future contract and 39 types options were conducted, but turnover this year reached 181,1 mln. contracts and 42,2 mln. options.

7 New-York Mercantile Exchange New-York Mercantile Exchange – the third on count concluded deals. The subject of the contracts: fuel and crude oil, propane and gasoline, platinum and palladium.

8 After merging with commodity exchange NYMEX is a most largest revenge to trade raw materials goods. On united exchange NYMEX 17 types future contract and 19 types of options conduct, in 1998 size of trade has formed 78,4 mln. contract and 15,3 mln. options.

9 New-York Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange On New-York Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange the trade corresponding to miscellaneous goods is conducted. In 1996 futures contract market has begun on this exchange: butter, cheese, milk.

10 Presently operations on 10 types future contract and 8 types of options are conducted, size of trade in 1998 reached 9,8 mln. contracts and 3,4 mln. options.

11 New-York Cotton & Citrus Exchange On New-York Cotton & Citrus Exchange are concluded contracts with: cotton, concoction of orange juice, propane. Operations are conducted also with index of the dollar, ecu's, treasury notes USA. The operations began In 1997 on future adoption contract on potatoes.

12 In 1996 this exchange was united with New-York futures exchange and created common future-option market. Now on united market operations on 35 types future contract and 19 options type are conducted, with size of trade in 1998 6,5 mln. contracts and 1,7 mln. options.

13 MidAmerican Commodity Exchange MidAmerican Commodity Exchange trades: cereals (wheat, corn, oats, soybean-bobs), oil-bearing (soya oil), cattle and pig, precious metal (gold, silver, platinum), securities USA, currency (swiss francs, german marks, pound sterling, japanese yen).

14 This exchange is a subdivision of Chicago Mercantile Exchange, but it has sufficiently large turnovers and its place on future market of USA. Presently operations are conducted with 22 types of future contract and 6 option types there, and turnover in 1998 reached 3,4 mln. contract and 26,7 thous. options.

15 Besides on the market of USA also several exchanges act, which possible refer to national level: Exchange in Kansas-City Exchange in Kansas-City (the turnover in 1998 2,2 mln. contracst and 101,5 thous. options), Corn exchange in Minneapolise Corn exchange in Minneapolise (the turnover 1,1 mln. contracts and 49,2 thous. options), Trade exchange in Philadelphias Trade exchange in Philadelphias (the turnover in 1998 6,3 thous. contracts).

16 Working for reinforcement their own position, many american exchanges undertake recently some steps to co-operation what can bring to merging of the exchanges in the future. New-York Mercantile Exchange New-York Cotton & Citrus Exchange Most clearly given trend is tracked on New-York exchanges. For instance, New-York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) has concluded an agreement with New-York Cotton & Citrus Exchange (NYCE), on the grounds of which members NYMEX can trade fluid propane on NYCE, and members NYCE - conclude the immediate contracts for potatoes on NYMEX.

17 Adoption – 1) принятие, усвоение; 2) выбор Carving woods - пиломатериалы Cattle – рогатый скот Cereals – зерновые культуры Commodity exchange – товарная биржа Concoction - концентрат Corresponding – соответствующий Count – сумма Crude oil – сырая нефть Currency - валюта Effort – усилие, достижение For instance - например Futures - фьючерс Goods - товары Hypothecary - ипотечный Immediate – непосредственный Loan – заем, ссуда Shares - акции Maintenance - сохранение Mercantile - торговый Merging – объединение, слияние Miscellaneous – смешанный, разнообразный National standard – государственный Oil-bearing – масличные Option deal – премиальная сделка Precious - драгоценный Raw materials - сырье Recently – недавно; в последнее время Reinforcement – укрепление, усиление Revenue - доход Securities – ценные бумаги Subdivision - подразделение Sufficiently – достаточно, в достаточной мере To conclude – придти к соглашению, заключить To conduct - проводить Guiding - ведущий To refer - относиться To undertake – предпринимать, совершать Trend – курс, тенденция Turnover - оборот Urgent – срочный Dictionary

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