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Kick-off meeting 12/12/11. Welcome Address Bernard Rentier, Rector of the University of Liege Luc de Schepper, Rector of the University of Hasselt Kick-off.

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Presentation on theme: "Kick-off meeting 12/12/11. Welcome Address Bernard Rentier, Rector of the University of Liege Luc de Schepper, Rector of the University of Hasselt Kick-off."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

2 Welcome Address Bernard Rentier, Rector of the University of Liege Luc de Schepper, Rector of the University of Hasselt Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

3 Presentation of mob-I-doc Isabelle Halleux, R&D Office, ULg Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

4 The kick-off meeting aims to Remember the context Let « the world » know about this project Meet the partners Award the best project acronym prize Kick-off meeting 12/12/11 Website of the project : Press info : frontieres-linguistiques

5 ULg and UHasselt background Member of the ALMA Network R&D offices cooperating (EU-FP, EUA-CDE, HRS4R) Universities having in common : A special attention paid to PhD students A strong interest in research mobility Projects for soft skills development Active PhD students willing to meet and develop peers’ integration Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

6 Prince Philip Funding opportunity Aim : better knowledge/understanding of the 3 belgian communities Call for proposal based on intercommunity exchange of students from High Education Institutions 22 projets will be supported in 2011-2012 ULg-UHasselt is the only collaborative project between universities Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

7 ULg-UHasselt project : « mob-I-doc » Creation of an intercommunity network for PhD students in motion (in Belgium) : Information Promotion & enhancement of mobility Welcoming and integration Leaders are the PhD students themselves A task force (4x2 doct + 2 admin) All thePhD students will be involved through the network activities Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

8 The task force 4 PhD students from different disciplines (duos) from both University + 2 admin. staff (mobility and doctoral affairs) Mission : Exchange on organisation, structure, the doctorate Brain storming on how to integrated / to be integrated : models and actions to be developed Development of a workshop for the « mob-I-doc days » in Hasselt and Liege : « Mobility of PhD students within Belgium : Where ? When ? How ? » Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

9 Agenda 18/8/20111st contacts Task Force recruitement : 4x2 doct + 2 admin 13/10/2011Rentrée des doctorants ULg 26/11/2011Doctoreren@UHasselt 12/12/2011Kick-off meeting and Task force installation 1/2012-5/2012Task force meetings (1/month, 5x) 10/2012Mob-I-doc days in Liege and Hasselt (workshop, doct. meeting, lab visits) Expected PhD students : 300 x 2 31/10/2012Report, Evaluation, Kick-out meeting …(to be continued and/or extended) Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

10 Budget 1500 EUR from Prince Philip Fund Kick-off meeting Task force meetings expenses Experts invitation (network days) 7500 EUR from partners - Management of the project - Mob-I-doc days - Dissemination - Evaluation Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

11 PhD Students’ address Thomas Leuther, RED, ULg Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

12 Best Project Acronym Award Ann Peters, R&D Office, UHasselt Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

13 And the winner is … Benoît Bidaine Application engineer at e-Xstream engineering Past-coordinator of the Réseau des doctorants, ULg Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

14 mob-I-doc explanation The acronym is valid in the 3 national languages and in english mob as mobiliteit, mobilité, mobilität, mobility -I- as Intergemeenschappelijke, Intercommunautaire, intergemeinschaftlich, Intercommunity as a mirror mob doc hyphens : nice link evocation docas doctoraat, doctorat Doktorat, doctorate Kick-off meeting 12/12/11

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