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 Parentage- Kronos and Rhea  Sphere of Influence- Queen of the gods and goddess of marriage, Women, sky and starry heaven  Attributes- depicted as a.

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Presentation on theme: " Parentage- Kronos and Rhea  Sphere of Influence- Queen of the gods and goddess of marriage, Women, sky and starry heaven  Attributes- depicted as a."— Presentation transcript:

1  Parentage- Kronos and Rhea  Sphere of Influence- Queen of the gods and goddess of marriage, Women, sky and starry heaven  Attributes- depicted as a beautiful woman wearing a crown and holding a royal, lotus-tipped staff. The peacock, cuckoo or the hawk is her favorite bird  Birthplace- Island of Crete  Place Favored- Mount Olympus And Argos

2 I Choose this image because it represents Hera. First there is a bird which is most likely a hawk which is on of Hera’s favorite birds and that is represents her power. Second she is holding a locus tipped staff which is another symbol of power but also of authority of the other gods. Finally Hera is wearing a toga which she was usually depicted with since both Greeks and Romans wore togas so they made their gods wear it. That is why I choose this image for the goddess Hera.

3 I choose this image for Hera because it represents her and shows her authority and her power. First she is sitting on a fancy chair so it show her authority over the other Olympian gods. Second she is holding her locus tipped staff which represents her power but also is a symbol of hers. Finally next to her is the peacock which she usually took form into. The peacock represents her beauty so it is a perfect match for her. That is why I choose this picture to represent Hera.

4  Hera." The MYSTICA.ORG. Web. 13 Oct. 2010..  "HERA : Greek Goddess of Marriage, Queen of Heaven ; Mythology ; Pictures - JUNO." THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art. Web. 13 Oct. 2010..  "Ancient Greek Art: Hera." THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art. Web. 13 Oct. 2010..  Google Image Result for Http:// 320/hera_2_md.gif." Google. Web. 13 Oct. 2010..

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