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Wel come MD.OMAR FARUK Ass. Teacher Mollikar Dighir par high school. Chatkhil, Noakhali. Mo: 01737039325 English 2 nd.

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2 Wel come

3 MD.OMAR FARUK Ass. Teacher Mollikar Dighir par high school. Chatkhil, Noakhali. Mo: 01737039325 Email: farukkhilpara @ English 2 nd paper Class-8

4 Tense

5 By the end of the lesson the students will be able to  define different type of tense.  use verbs in different tense.  give example in different tense.

6 Tense comes from the Latin word ‘Tempus’ means time. The Tense of a word shows the time of an action. There are three basic tenses in English language. Past Future Present

7 Look at the following pictures and conversation

8 Hi Aysha,how are you? I am fine. What about you? I am also fine.

9 Zahir: Hi Ayesha, how are you? Ayesha: I am fine. What about you? Zahir: I am also fine. Here, are, am, about all refer to the present time and hence indicate the present tense

10 No, I didn’t. Yesterday I went to my aunt’s house. Aysha,did you go to Baishakhi mela yesterday?

11 Zahir: Aysha, did you go to Baishakhi mela yesterday? Ayesha: No, I didn’t. Yesterday I went to my aunt’s house. Here, did, didn’t, yesterday, went all refer to the past time and hence they are past tense.

12 Tomorrow I will go to mela. Tomorrow I will go to mela. I will also go tomorrow with my father. Very good, then tomorrow we will go together. Ok, then see you tomorrow. Bye Ok bye, take care. Ok bye, take care.

13 Zahir: Ok, then see you tomorrow. Bye Zahir: I will also go tomorrow with my father. Ayesha: Tomorrow I will go to mela. Ayesha: Very good, then tomorrow we will go together. Ayesha: Ok bye, take care. Here, tomorrow, will both indicate to the near future time and hence they are the future tense.

14 Present tense

15 The action that refers to present time is said to be Present Tense. It describes the simple action or condition that occurs in the present time. The Simple Present tense comes with the following time verbal. Everyday Often Never On Sunday Always Once a week Usually Rarely Every now and then Twice a year

16 For example- Everyday she plays with her friend. The sun rises in the east. Usually they come by bus. Note that simple present verb takes ‘s’ or ‘es’ at the end, when it comes after ‘He’, ‘She’, ‘It’ and names of a person or thing.

17 Past tense

18 A verb that denotes the completed action is said to be simple past tense. Generally ‘d’ or ‘ed’ or the past form is added to be root verb to form a past tense. Past tense

19 For example-  I wrote a letter yesterday  He came back home last year.  He studied here for five years.

20 Future tense

21 A verb that refers to the action that is going to happen later or in the near future is called Simple future tense. For example- My cousin will come by an aeroplane. Mother will cook noodles tomorrow Future tense

22 PresentPastFuture DoDidWill do GoWentWill go ComeCameWill come SitSatWill sit EatAteWill eat The past tense is entirely different for all the words and the future tense is just by adding “will” or “shall”. Before the present tense.

23 PresentPastFuture Cut Put Hit hit Shut Let Hurt Cost Some words do not change in their tenses-

24 Group Work

25 Indicate the tense of the verbs in the following: The sun gives us light. The river flows under the bridge. I am going to get a holiday soon. I had finished when he came. I will be staying here till Sunday. The police arrested the criminals. Be good, sweet girl. I wish my brother were here. Children will play tomorrow. It is the time we left.

26 Evaluation 1.He make the basket. 2.The sun will rises yesterday. 3.Always spoke the truth. 4.She will hates me. 5.Do he work tomorrow? 1.He make the basket. 2.The sun will rises yesterday. 3.Always spoke the truth. 4.She will hates me. 5.Do he work tomorrow?

27 Home task Write 5 sentences using this words Go, looked, will eat, reads, watched


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