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Oedolion cydnerth a dyfeisgar Resilient and resourceful adults 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Oedolion cydnerth a dyfeisgar Resilient and resourceful adults 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oedolion cydnerth a dyfeisgar Resilient and resourceful adults 1

2 2 Beth yw asedau? What are assets?

3 Assets and Deficits Asedau a Diffygion Ymagweddau cydategol Beth sy’n ein gwneud yn sâl? -Asesiad anghenion -Diffygion angen canlyniadau -Lleihau risg Beth sy’n ein gwneud yn iach? -Ffactorau amddiffynnol -Hyrwyddo lles Fel cyflenwyr gwasanaethau, mae hyn yn gymorth inni ddod o hyd i ganlyniad pan nad ydym yn edrych Complementary approaches What makes us sick? –Needs assessment –Deficits requiring solutions –Risk reduction What makes us healthy? –Protective factors –Positive enhancement of wellbeing As service providers, this helps us find solutions in places we were not looking 3

4 Asedau Lleol Gogledd Cymru North Wales Local Assets 4

5 Unigolion Individuals 5

6 Gweithio gyda’n gilydd Working together 6

7 Rhwydweithiau Cymdeithasol Social Networks 7 Sut y gall gwasanaethau feithrin rhydweithau cymdeithasol? How can services nurture social networks?

8 Argymhellion Recommendations

9 Casgliad Conclusions Prif negeseuon 1.Mae dyletswydd ar bob un ohonom i gymryd cyfrifoldeb dros ein hiechyd ein hunain, ac iechyd ein teuluoedd 2. Mae perthyn i rwydwaith cymdeithasol yn bwysig i iechyd a lles – byddwch yn rhan, nid ar wahân 3.Mae ein hamgylcheddau’n bwysig: dylai pob sefydliad sy’n darparu gwasanaethau gynorthwyo a chryfhau asedau unigol a chymunedol Key messages 1.We all have a duty to take responsibility for our own health, and that of our family 2.Belonging to a social network is important for health and wellbeing – be a part, not apart 3.Our environments matter: all organisations that provide services should support and strengthen individual and community assets 9

10 Beth y gall unigolion ei wneud? Cymryd cyfrifoldeb dros eu hiechyd eu hunain, ac iechyd eu teuluoedd Bod yn egnïol, bwyta’n dda, yfed alcohol yn gyfrifol a pheidio ag ysmygu Cydweithio â gweithwyr proffesiynol iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol; cyfrannu at y penderfyniadau sy’n effeithio ar eu hiechyd Perthyn i rwydwaith cymdeithasol – bod yn rhan, nid ar wahân What can individuals do? Take responsibility for their own health, and that of their family Keep active, eat well, drink alcohol responsibly and not smoke Work together with health and social care professionals; share in the decisions that affect their health Belong to a social network – be a part, not apart 10 Pobl People (1)

11 11

12 Pobl People (2) Beth y gall unigolion ei wneud? Gofyn am gyngor ar sut y gallan nhw / eu teuluoedd gael digon o adnoddau ariannol ac eraill i gymryd rhan mewn cymdeithas Dod o hyd i’r gwaith gorau y gallant, â thâl neu’n ddi-dâl, sy’n rhoi rôl ystyrlon iddynt Gofalu am eu hamgylchedd a’i fwynhau, a helpu eraill i wneud hynny What can individuals do? Seek advice on how they / their family can get enough financial and other resources to participate in society Find the best work that they can, paid or unpaid, that provides a meaningful role Look after and enjoy the environment around them, and help others to do so 12

13 Gwasanaethau Services (1) Beth y gall gwasanaethau ei wneud? Dechrau gyda’r cryfderau a’r asedau sydd gan oedolion unigol ‘Yn gyntaf, peidiwch â gwneud niwed’: peidiwch â thanseilio cydnerthedd pobl Dechreuwch yn gynnar: cynorthwyo rhieni i roi’r cydnerthedd i’w plant ar gyfer bywyd oedolyn Cefnogi ‘ymagweddau person cyfan’ sy’n mynd i’r afael ag iechyd ac anghenion eraill yng nghyd-destun bywydau pobl Gweithio gydag unigolion mewn partneriaeth a dwyochredd What can services do? Start with the strengths and assets of individuals Do not undermine resilience Start early: support parents to give their children resilience Support ‘whole person approaches’ Work in partnership and reciprocity Support self efficacy and health literacy skills 13

14 Beth y gall gwasanaethau ei wneud? Cynorthwyo hunaneffeithiolrwydd a sgiliau llythrennedd iechyd Darparu mynediad hawdd i wybodaeth a ‘rhagnodi cymdeithasol’ Annog a galluogi hunangymorth Cynyddu mynediad i rwydweithiau cymdeithasol megis drwy ymyriadau grymuso cymunedau Asesu’r potensial ar gyfer darparu gwasanaethau, polisïau neu ymyriadau i wella lles Darparu cymorth i sicrhau bod gan bobl yr adnoddau ariannol ac eraill i gymryd rhan mewn cymdeithas What can services do? Support self efficacy/health literacy Provide easy access to information Encourage and enable self help Increase access to social networks and neighbourhoods Assess the potential for service delivery, policies or interventions to enhance wellbeing Provide support to ensure people have the financial and other resources to participate in society 14 Gwasanaethau Services (2)

15 Gwasanaethau Services (3) Beth y gall gwasanaethau ei wneud? Cynnal y cynnydd diweddar mewn amodau cymdogaeth yn dilyn gweithgareddau adfywio ac adnewyddu cymdogaethau Ymateb i’r angen am dai fforddiadwy, o safon Cyflawni lefel Platinwm yn y Safon Iechyd Corfforaethol (os oes mwy na 50 o gyflogeion), neu Aur yng Ngwobr Iechyd y Gweithle Bach (os oes llai na 50 o gyflogeion) What can services do? Sustain the recent gains in neighbourhood conditions from regeneration and neighbourhood renewal activities Respond to the need for affordable, good quality housing Achieve Platinum level in the Corporate Health Standard (if more than 50 employees), or Gold in the Small Workplace Health Award (if less than 50 employees) 15

16 Canlyniadau Cadarnhaol a chofleidio newid Positive Outcomes & embracing change Pwyslais ar ganlyniadau cadarnhaol Cydweithio Gwerthfawrogi'r asedau cyfunol sydd gennym ni Cefnogi oedolion mewn cymunedau Eisoes enghreifftiau da yng ngogledd Cymru o ddefnyddio adnoddau’n effeithiol ar y cyd. Focus on positive outcomes Joint working Valuing the collective assets we have Supporting adults in communities Good examples already in North Wales of using collective resources effectively. 16

17 Oedolion cydnerth a dyfeisgar ymagwedd yn seiliedig ar asedau Resilient and resourceful adults an assets based approach Ardroddiad Bynyddol: sh%202013%20lo-res.pdf sh%202013%20lo-res.pdf Mwy o wybodaeth a digwyddiadau 17 Annual Report: 3%20English%20lo-res.pdf 3%20English%20lo-res.pdf More info and events

18 Diolch Thank you 18

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