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East Asia.   Mandate of Heaven : belief that Heaven grants a ruler a mandate or right to rule  Isolationism : avoiding foreign involvements and contacts.

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Presentation on theme: "East Asia.   Mandate of Heaven : belief that Heaven grants a ruler a mandate or right to rule  Isolationism : avoiding foreign involvements and contacts."— Presentation transcript:

1 East Asia

2   Mandate of Heaven : belief that Heaven grants a ruler a mandate or right to rule  Isolationism : avoiding foreign involvements and contacts  Dynastic cycle : the rise and fall of Chinese rulers according to the Mandate of Heaven  Occupation : the possession or settlement of a land or property  Filial piety : the duty and respect that children owe their parents Vocab

3  A.Heaven grants the ruler a right to rule B.A philosophy based on the family C.A date with a man D.People owe the ruler respect and obedience 1. What is the Mandate of Heaven?

4   If they made sure all of the people were wealthy  If the economy was strong  If they provided good government  If the military was huge  If they prevented floods 1. How did the Chinese judge their rulers?

5   Legalism  Daoism  Mohism  Confucianism 1. Which philosophy affected daily life in early China the most?

6   An addictive recreational drug  The British used opium to undercut the Chinese government and create an addiction to make money and create social problems 2. What is Opium & how did the British use it?

7   Similar to Stalin’s ideas (without being shipped to Siberia)  Collectivization – government controlled everything 3. Communism in China

8  TRUE 3. True or False? Mao wanted to fix China by putting everything under government control

9  They were hoping by isolating the Communist state it would fail 3. Why did the U.S. refuse to recognize Mao’s government?

10  The government opened fire on a crowd of peaceful student protesters The government said no one was killed, Red Cross found 2600 dead Damaged China’s reputation to the West 4. What happened at Tiananmen Square?

11  FALSE Korea adopted isolationism to protect itself from other countries! 5. True or False: Korea adopted a policy of isolationism because they are too different than their neighbors

12  NNorth Korea is a poor communist country while South Korea is a developed capitalist democracy OR SSouth Korea is a poor communist country while North Korea is a developed capitalist democracy 5. How are North and South Korea different?

13   They relied on the U.S. for protection  Relations are tense because other Western countries are still bitter about Japanese expansion before WWII 6. How did Japan defend itself after WII and how are relations with their neighbors in Asia?

14   Family is at the center  Filial piety  Families teach the difference between right and wrong  Rules regulate but so do morals  5 good behaviors: respectful, tolerant, sincere, diligent, kind 7. Explain Confucianism

15   Following  Balance (yin & yang)  Leaders should show mercy  No action will bring order 8. Explain Daoism

16   LOVE  Peaceful and harmonious  “hug it out”  Equal love for all people 9. Explain Mohism

17   STRICT laws  People don’t rule, laws rule  Punishment equals the crime  Harsh  Everyone is equal in the eyes of the law 10. Explain Legalism

18   Family at the center  Filial piety  Civil service exam (people get jobs based on merit)  One-child policy  Strict government (limited rights)  Equal pay for men and women Cultural/Philosophical aspects of China

19   Shinto beliefs (spirit in everything)  Family is the center  Strong family ties (male dominated)  Arranged marriages (for family alliances)  “cram schools” (for entrance exams)  Strong focus on education  Must attend top universities for jobs in government and business  Pacifism Cultural/Philosophical aspects of Japan

20   South Korea  Free market economy under STRICT government control  Value of hard work, discipline and organization  Arranged marriages  Respect for the importance of education  Family at the center  North Korea  Totalitarian state  Strong military emphasis  Isolationism Cultural/Philosophical aspects of the Koreas

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