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These are the Presidents who may show up on the GHSGT.

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Presentation on theme: "These are the Presidents who may show up on the GHSGT."— Presentation transcript:

1 These are the Presidents who may show up on the GHSGT

2  Precedents  Whiskey Rebellion  Cabinet:  Hamilton  Jefferson  Farewell Address

3  Alien and Sedition Acts  XYZ Affair  Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions  Election of 1800

4  Louisiana Purchase  Lewis and Clark Expedition  Embargo Act of 1807

5  War of 1812  Affect on Nationalism  Affect on Economy

6  Missouri Compromise  Monroe Doctrine

7  The “corrupt bargain”  The American System

8  Jacksonian Democracy and expansion of suffrage  Bank War  Spoils System  Nullification Crisis  Indian Removal Act

9  Civil War  Suspension of habeas corpus  Gettysburg Address  Second Inaugural  Emancipation Proclamation  Assassination

10  Presidential Reconstruction  Congressional Reconstruction  Impeachment

11  National Park system  “Big Stick” Diplomacy  Roosevelt Corollary  Panama Canal

12  Election of 1912  Federal Reserve System  Progressive Reforms:  Initiative  Referendum  Recall  17 th Amendment  World War I  14 Points

13  Great Depression  Dust Bowl  New Deal:  Wagner Act  Court Packing Bill  Social Security  Tennessee Valley Authority  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation  Huey Long’s Criticism  Neutrality Acts

14  Integration of US military  Containment  Truman Doctrine  Marshall Plan  Cold War

15  Kennedy-Nixon Debates  Cuban Revolution  Bay of Pigs  Cuban Missile Crisis  Assassination

16  Civil Rights Act of 1964  Warren Court ( Miranda decision)  Great Society:  Medicare and Medicaid  Aid to education  Vietnam War

17  Watergate Scandal  Opening of China  Vietnam War  Nixon’s Resignation

18  How he became President  Nixon Pardon  Whip Inflation Now

19  Iranian Revolution  Iranian Hostage Crisis  Energy Crisis  Camp David Accords

20  Reaganomics  Iran-Contra Affair  Collapse of the Soviet Union

21  Impeachment  NAFTA  Republican Revolution

22  Election of 2000  9/11 Attacks  War on Terrorism  Afghanistan  Iraq

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