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WEEK 3 Communication Theory: Basic Model(s) Intro to Communication Dr. P.M.G. Verstraete.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK 3 Communication Theory: Basic Model(s) Intro to Communication Dr. P.M.G. Verstraete."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEEK 3 Communication Theory: Basic Model(s) Intro to Communication Dr. P.M.G. Verstraete

2 Three Broad Approaches  Linear Transmission (Process)  Processing and Signification (Semiosis)  Constructing Reality

3 1. Linear Effect Oriented Theories (Process) Cf. The ‘Power’ of the Media

4 Sender Receiver Codes a message Decodes it Message Medium Feedback Noise 2-way interaction model Linear (effect) transmission Message Listeners (Decoding) Speaker (Coding) 1-way interaction model

5 Context Frame of reference Speaker decodes noise Speaker encodes noise Feed back Message Listener decodes Listener encodes Frame of reference Transactional Model

6 Messages carry expressed content and relational factors Transactional Model

7 Here is the message! Take it! Oh yeah! Here is the feedback! Digest it! What is a “message”? ! Transactional Model

8 A message is much more than what is said, written or shown. Who cares? He cares? Things you do not want to know, may hurt you… I care! Transactional Model

9 If a message is not received, then communication does not happen. We sent it I told you, I did not get it! Transactional Model

10 Shannon and Weaver’s model Problems Technical (transmission) Semantic (desired meaning) Effectiveness (desired behavior) A mechanistic model

11 Shannon and Weaver’s model  Information = a measure of the predictability of the signal (cybernetic definition)  Noise = any signal received that was not transmitted by the source, or anything that makes the intended signal harder to decode accurately

12 Shannon and Weaver’s model  Redundancy = that which is predictable or conventional in a message (technical/social: overcoming communication problems)  Entropy = the opposite of redundancy, a maximum unpredictability (constituting communication problems)  Convention = source of redundancy, and thus of easy decoding (structure, pattern = predictable)

13 Redundancy/Entropy  Technical level: accuracy of any message checked against the probable ; what is probable is determined by our experience of the code, context, and type of message = by our experience of convention  Social level: phatic communication = acts of communication that contain nothing new, no information, but that use existing channels simply to keep them open and usable Shannon and Weaver’s model

14  Channel = the physical means by which the signal is transmitted  Medium = the technical or physical means of converting the message into a signal capable of being transmitted along the channel -> presentational, representational & mechanical media  Code : a system of meaning common to the members of a culture or subculture. -> It consists both of signs & rules or conventions. -> Relations between code & channel; Relations between medium & code. Shannon and Weaver’s model

15  Feedback = the transmission of the receiver’s reaction back to the sender It makes the process of transmitting messages more efficient. It enables the speaker to adjust his or her performance to the needs and responses of an audience (the receiver). It helps the receiver to feel involved in the communication. Shannon and Weaver’s model

16 Feedback: how about saying/doing nothing? Communication as transaction

17 Functions of Feedback

18 is a relationship that allows sharing our realities with others Here is my reality: I want to throw up! Let’s share it so that communication happens. Communication as transaction

19 Communication is the ability to express wants and needs by using verbal and nonverbal language and technological tools. Sorry, I can not communicate with you, because I am too drunk to have the ability to think straight! Communication as transaction

20 Task: Identify - Sender - Message - Medium - Channel - Code - Receiver - Feedback

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