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Insert name of presentation on Master Slide How ‘well’ are we doing?: the role of mental wellbeing impact assessment 1 st February 2011 Jackie James and.

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Presentation on theme: "Insert name of presentation on Master Slide How ‘well’ are we doing?: the role of mental wellbeing impact assessment 1 st February 2011 Jackie James and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insert name of presentation on Master Slide How ‘well’ are we doing?: the role of mental wellbeing impact assessment 1 st February 2011 Jackie James and Catherine Reynolds

2 MWIA: policy context How ‘well’ are we doing? World Health Organisation European Declaration on Mental Health (2005a) The European Union Mental Health Action Plan for Europe The Foresight Review on Mental Capital and Well-being Capital/Mental_capital_&_wellbeing_Exec_Sum.pdf The Marmot Review

3 Dynamic model of mental well-being for assessing mental well-being impact How ‘well’ are we doing? MWIA core protective factors (control, resilience/community assets, participation and inclusion) Population characteristics e.g. age, class, ethnicity Social relationships and the core economy (friends, family, neighbours and civil society Wider determinants: e.g. financial security, environment, transport, education Core values: equity and social justice

4 The Activity: Applying MWIA to the planning and development of the next Network Conference Work in groups of 4, on one of the factors that promote mental well-being: –GREEN - Enhancing control –BLUE - Increasing resilience and community assets –RED - Facilitating participation –PURPLE - Promoting inclusion Scan the range of ‘Protective Factor’ stickers and locate those that are relevant on the Prioritisation Grids; Use post-its to add any additional factors or negative impacts; Move on to another Grid; Scan the contribution of the previous group and add any further cards; Finally: –Identify one key priority –Identify one learning point from the session How ‘well’ are we doing?

5 MWIA – why bother MWIA enables organisations and communities to engage with and improve mental health and well- being at a local level, by –Re-focusing efforts to create better existing and new services to improve mental well-being –Developing shared coherent understandings of mental well- being with a range of stakeholders –Ensuring policies, services, programmes or projects have a positive impact on mental well-being –Actively engaging all partners in service development and fostering co-production of mental well-being –Supporting community needs assessment and the development of relevant and meaningful local indicators How ‘well’ are we doing?

6 MWIA – where next? Mental Well-being Impact Assessment Toolkit (2010): The HIA Gateway website hosts a section dedicated to MWIA including MWIA reports on a wide range of topics, and a range of sources of evidence on mental well-being factors and impacts. Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) - information on health impact assessment (HIA) in Wales new economics foundation - an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being. Friedli L (2010): Mental Health, Resilience and Inequalities. WHO inequalities-report/ inequalities-report/ National Mental Health Development Unit (NMHDU) - provides advice on national and international best practice to improve mental health and mental health services How ‘well’ are we doing?

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