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The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) in Suffolk March 2015.

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1 The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) in Suffolk March 2015

2 Background 2007 Statutory duty to produce a JSNA at upper- tier local authority level since 2007 2008 Suffolk’s first JSNA published 2008 2011 2011 State of Suffolk report = first major update of the JSNA 2012 Health and Social Act 2012 gives upper tier local authorities and CCGs equal and joint duty to prepare a JSNA and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS). Delivered through the Health and Wellbeing Board. 20142015 The State of Suffolk currently being refreshed. This will inform the first refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, a ten year strategy 2012 – 2022, with an early priority review during 2015.

3 Our JSNA There is no mandatory data set that must be included and no formal output structure that must be adhered to. So in each area a JSNA will look different. Ours is a continuous cycle of feedback and development

4 The aims of a JSNA are to: Provide analyses of data to show the health and wellbeing status of local communities Define where inequalities exist Provide information on local community views and evidence of effectiveness of existing interventions which will help to shape future plans for services Highlight key findings based on the information and evidence collected Identifies gaps in service provision, documenting unmet need

5 Vision To produce an on-line suite of comprehensive and easy to use resources that accurately describe and analyse the current and future health and wellbeing of our local community, with a prime purpose to inform and guide commissioning. It adopts a system wide approach across local authorities, the CCGs, the community and voluntary sector and the voice of local people. In Summary: Suffolk JSNA AccessibleEngaging Fulfil statutory duty – to inform commissioning, and inform CCGs Useful Current & best use of data

6 Dementia Needs Assessment Some of the work in the last year… Carers Needs Assessment Learning Disability Needs Assessment Data visualisation CAMHS Needs Assessment Maternity Needs Assessment Speech and Language Needs Assessment

7 Online JSNA A major piece of work was the re-launch of the JSNA on the Healthy Suffolk Website: More interactivity Easier access Quicker to find needs assessments Quicker to find other reports Retains links to Suffolk Observatory

8 The State of Suffolk The State of Suffolk is a key document of the JSNA and is intended to provide an overview of the strategic health and wellbeing related needs in Suffolk, including the wider issues that affect local people such as housing, education etc. It will provide an overarching analysis, taking a life-course approach and will demonstrate areas of need highlighted by the data which will enable the JHWBS to prioritise those areas which require action.

9 The Health and Wellbeing Strategy ‘ Our vision is that people in Suffolk live healthier, happier lives. We also want to narrow the differences in life expectancy between those living in our most deprived communities and those who are more affluent through greater improvements in disadvantaged communities. ’ The State of Suffolk will inform the 2015 strategy refresh ‘Kick-off’ and initial development meetings already held Ideas to be discussed with the Programme Office and the Board.

10 Moving forward… Working more closely with Healthwatch and CAS to develop the stakeholder engagement element of the JSNA Needs assessment progress report – 6 months on – what has the impact been? – evaluation Process for ensuring needs assessments reflect organisational priorities, commissioning intentions Development of executive summaries of all needs assessments Accessibility & communication development Developing community assets as a key part of the JSNA

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