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How can the Library help you? How can you help the Library? Tullio Basaglia CERN Scientific Information Service Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar,

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Presentation on theme: "How can the Library help you? How can you help the Library? Tullio Basaglia CERN Scientific Information Service Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar,"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can the Library help you? How can you help the Library? Tullio Basaglia CERN Scientific Information Service Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

2 Outline What we can do for you: services and resources  if you are looking for a specific document  if you are looking for information on a topic How you can interact with us A new resource: Techniques de l’Ingénieur Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

3 What we can do for you - I Use CERN Document Server: and use the basket functionality to create, modify and share your basket(s). You can request the loan of documents from your desktop. Online and on-shelf access to literature: books and e-books, journals and e-journalse-books Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

4 What we can do for you - II What if you cannot find what you are looking for? Use the Interlibrary Loan service:  Free of charge (standards and dissertations excepted)  quick and reliable  for articles, possibility to order yourself  high success rate Looking for a bibliography on a specific topic? Use online databases online databases Questions, problems, feedback: We listen to your needs: you can propose a purchase for the library collection Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

5 Something more… … than a book repository: the standards’ collection. Purchased on request, obtained generally in PDF format, accessible from the CERN Intranet. Looking for information on standards? The Perinorm database is at your disposal. Contact (username/password required)Perinorm Use the Bookshop in the Central Library. A stock of selected titles in Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, IT is at your disposal. Come and browse! If what you are looking for is not in stock at the Bookshop (also out-of-print books), you can ask us to purchase it for you. Contact Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

6 What you can do for us - I We rely on you … All libraries are open 24/24 h, 7/7, 365/365. We operate openly but on trust Share your information Submit your documents (reports / conference papers / articles etc) to CERN Document Server Donate books you no longer need Suggest purchases for the Library collection Help us shaping Library collections that meet your needs Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

7 What you can do for us - II According to O.C. no.6, you should submit your documents to CERN Document Server. Self-archive your articles (preprints/reports/conference papers etc) in CDS : and use the submit button SCOAP 3 : a new publishing model for particle physics, to ensure open access to published literature: Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

8 « Techniques de l'ingénieur »: le plus grand corpus scientifique et technique en langue française Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009


10 11 thématiques 49 unités documentaires 6000+ articles

11 Example d’un article Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

12 Services offerts “Espace veille” Newsletters thématiques Formation Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

13 Condition d’accès, promotion, feedback 12 mois pour tester (-> Septembre 2010) Consultation libre, enregistrement nécessaire pour télécharger le PDF Article dans le Bulletin Contactes avec utilisateurs potentiels Présentation du service Statistiques d’utilisation Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

14 The future: Inspire Inspire: integrated information platform tailored to the specific needs of HEP researchers, providing access to the complete HEP literature going into production at the end of the year Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

15 15 run by From: Integrating Information Resources, A. Holtkamp, Library Science talk, 27.9.09 Content

16 Advantage of community services 16 What is the primary source of information for HEP scientists? From 2007 survey of 2,000 physicists. Gentil-Beccot et al, Information Resources in High- Energy Physics: Surveying the Present Landscape and Charting the Future Course. J.Am.Soc.Inf.Sci.60:150-160,2009 arXiv:0804.2701 From: Integrating Information Resources, A. Holtkamp, Library Science talk, 27.9.09

17 How to find us Library & bookshop 52-1-52 Phone: 72444 From everywhere in the world: – Web site: – CDS: – Email: Open 24h/24h, 7days/7days, 52 weeks/52 weeks Staffed: Monday-Friday, 8h30-19h00 Tullio Basaglia (GS-SI) BE-EN-TE Seminar, Nov. 27th 2009

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