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Hittite Empire Hattusas Hattusas: Capital of the Hittites.

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Presentation on theme: "Hittite Empire Hattusas Hattusas: Capital of the Hittites."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hittite Empire

3 Hattusas

4 Hattusas: Capital of the Hittites

5 Hattusas – Lion’s Gate

6 Hittite Chariots & Warriors

7 Hittite Writing

8 A Balance of Power: 1200 B. C. E.


10 The Assyrian Empire

11 Assyrian Military Power Assyrian soldiers carrying away the enemy’s gods.

12 Jewish Captives: 8 c BCE

13 Babylon under the Chaldeans

14 Nebuchadnezzar II’s Babylon

15 Ishtar Gate

16 Hanging Gardens of Babylon?


18 Abraham’s Geneaology ABRAHAM SARAH HAGAR Isaac Esau Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel Ishmael 12 Arabian Tribes

19 Abraham’s Journey from Ur Canaan  The “Promised Land”

20 Abraham’s Journeys

21 Ancient Palestine

22 Moses “Prince of Egypt” “Shepherd of His People”

23 The Exodus

24 Route of the Exodus

25 Moses and the 10 Commandmets A new “covenant” with Yahweh

26 Mount Sinai

27 St. Catherine’s Monastery at Mount Sinai

28 King David’s Empire

29 Solomon’s Kingdom Solomon’s Kingdom

30 Recreation of Ancient Jerusalem

31 Inside the Temple Tabernacle The Arc of the Covenant

32 The Temple Mount, Jerusalem Today Solomon’s Temple Wall: The “Wailing” Wall

33 Kingdoms of Judah & Israel Kingdoms of Judah & Israel

34 Israelites in Captivity

35 Jerusalem: Reading the Torah

36 Herod the Great’s Kingdom


38 Phoenician Sea Routes

39 A Phoenician Bireme Ship

40 The “Royal Purple” Dye

41 Phoenician City of Byblos: “Home of the Alphabet”

42 Phoenician Alphabet

43 Carthage: Phoenicia’s Mightiest Colony

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