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Abbott Technologies Presents Power Supplies for Military-Grade Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Abbott Technologies Presents Power Supplies for Military-Grade Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abbott Technologies Presents Power Supplies for Military-Grade Systems

2 Power Supplies for Military-Grade Systems: 1. POL Converters 2. Paralleled Modules 3. Standardized Power Supplies 8. Hermeticity 5. Subsystem Power Supply 4. Faster Production Speeds 6. Electromagnetic Compatibility 7. Electrical Isolation

3 POL Converters  POL or Point of Load converters maximize power.  The POL converters allow a system to use much less power and use power at a much more efficient level.  These converters also allow the systems to use more power than they were previously able to use.

4 Paralleled Modules  Another way to maximize power efficiency is to use a system that runs on a parallel module.  These paralleled modules can generally work best with a high-powered system.  They can generally handle up to a 50 A current.

5 Standardized Power Supplies  Standardized power supplies have been lowering the costs of these military-grade power systems.  Since the power supplies are all required to contain and maintain consistency, they tend to cost less.  The company spends less on engineering and production costs, and the customer can receive the product.

6 Faster Production Speeds  Since companies are spending less time on the engineering and designing phases, they can ship the power supplies faster.  The sooner the military or the company receives the power supply.  The easiest way to do this is through a standardized power system.

7 Subsystem Power Supply  Military personnel use subsystem power supplies to ensure, their systems are getting a clear and steady supply of power.  They must meet military standards of 1275 and 704 (MIL-STD-1275 / MIL-STD-704).  These systems must also continue to provide power to the gear and equipment during surges.

8 Electromagnetic Compatibility  One of the regulations, MIL-STD-1275 also regulates electromagnetic compatibility.  These standards ensure the system can handle electromagnetic spikes in all modes of operation including starting, normal and generator modes.  They must be able to continue to generate energy and push energy throughout the system.

9 Electrical Isolation  To ensure that all systems run without interference, the power systems must have electrical isolation.  To ensure electrical isolation, the system must move the energy across isolation boundary.  Electrical isolation is used primarily in military-grade power systems.

10 Hermeticity  When it comes to aviation, hermeticity is one of the most important factors in a military power system.  They must be hermetically sealed, when a customer seeks out a military-grade system.  It cannot function properly if it is constantly affected by outside sources and conditions.

11 Contact Us: Abbott Technologies 8203 Vineland Ave. Sun Valley, CA 91352 Sales: (800) 367-8200 Tech. Support: (818) 504-0644 Fax: (818) 768-0395 For more information visit:

12 Thank You

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