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Trade unions and commercial sector In Hungary. Employment In Hungary the number of employees: about 3 million the rate of organization: 10-15% the number.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade unions and commercial sector In Hungary. Employment In Hungary the number of employees: about 3 million the rate of organization: 10-15% the number."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade unions and commercial sector In Hungary

2 Employment In Hungary the number of employees: about 3 million the rate of organization: 10-15% the number of commercial employees: about 500,000 it is 16% of total number of employees the number of trade union members of commercial sector: about 18,000 it is 3-4% of total number of employees in commercial sector the rate of unemployment: about 13%

3 The Trade Union of Commercial Employees (KASZ) The largest trade union organization in commerce sector in Hungary KASZ is affiliated to: MSZOSZ; ETUC; UNI Membership: more than 18,000 80 % of the KASZ-members are women There is Youth Division at KASZ

4 Trade Union of Commercial Employees Ambitions The safety of employment Save job Conclude collective bargaining Fighting for higher wages and cafeteria Fighting against workforces Fighting for agreeable work conditions Attract young workers

5 Trade Union of Commercial Employees Free Sunday KASZ is campaigning for at least 5 years for a general work-free on Sunday Joined a network and cooperation with Uni-Europe Supporting the European “Protect the Work - Free Sunday” campaign Within the regional “Visegrad group” (a regular cooperation and exchange of the trade unions in the commerce sector in the countries Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland within Uni-Europe) there have been on several levels a number of conferences, actions, consultation etc. to reach a prohibition – or at least restriction - of Sunday work in the sector

6 Trade Union of Commercial Employees Membership: more than 18,000 The number of its organizations at the workplace level is 350, and there is almost an equal number of individual members not belonging to any workplace organizations, mainly among employees in small enterprises It has members for example at Tesco, Auchan, Spar, Penny Market, Baumax, OBI, Praktiker, Metro, dm and so on It has 600 shop stewards and 165 officers It has about 120 collective bargaining We have got a member registrar system

7 Organization For example: Auchan: 5381 employees, 1258 members SPAR: 12,875 employees, 2828 members Tesco: 21,449 employees, 2667 members

8 Collective bargaining

9 Political influence There is a new Labour Code in Hungary (The bill is submitted to the Parliament. The expected date of the acceptance: November 2011) Coming into force: Part of collective labour issue: 1st of January 2012 Other parts: 1st of July 2012 Major changes: Work councils will have got more prominence than trade unions Decrease trade union’s law of representation in court

10 Political influence In Hungary most of shop stewards work at companies. They have got some working hours for their trade union’s activities, but the new Labour Code controls that time Shift bonus for afternoon work will cancel Employee’s deposit will be introduced: if somebody work with money, she/he will need to give her/his monthly salary because possible deficit Employees will controllable beyond working time and out of work place The measure of overtime will rise onto 250 hours. However respite and rest period will decrease too

11 Political influence – minimum wage – In Hungary the most of retail workers on a minimum wage is registered In recent years, unions campaigned successfully to introduce a separate national minimum wage for skilled workers There will be higher minimum wage from next year The government’s plan determine minimum wage and wage for skilled workers regionally

12 Political influence – social dialogue – In Hungary there was a social dialogue with tree sides: employees (who represent by trade unions), employers and government (OÉT = National Council of Interests Reconciliation) Nowadays there is NGTT (National Economy and Social Council). Participants: employees (trade unions), employers, civil organisations and church. Government participate just as audience NGGT makes proposals, but there is not reconciliation and agreement. Employees and employers asked the government’s participation in labour issues, but there is no answer yet

13 Political influence – social dialogue – Reconciliation of interest: There is 3 level in Hungary: local, sectioral, national There are Sectioral Dialogue Commisions. Participants: employees (trade unions) and employers. Its can conclude sectioral collective bargaining, but for example can not agree about minimum wages National level: NGTT It is informal and minimal. Government does not reconciliation with trade unions

14 Political influence – social dialogue – In Hungary recently there are lot of demonstration against the new Labour Code and deficiency of social dialogue

15 Recruitment In the course of recruitment: Talk to employees what trade union does (work, law, services, representation of employees, etc.) Members offer trade union to other employees Create a good contact with human resources managers (they contact us when there is a new employee in company)

16 Recruitment give documents, issues, publications and leaflets

17 Recruitment There was a training at KASZ for our shop stewards. It obtained two main topics: organising and labour law. About 600 shop stewards took part in that training. Arrange trade union open day at companies. Organizers, officers and shop stewards are talking about trade union. Members and non members also can take questions and tell problems. Our colleagues give some advice to them. Open days are tried and trusted at Auchan. Tesco and Spar the next companies where we will arrange open days.

18 Recruitment Staff of recruitment: o organizers, shop stewards, officers of counties, officers of Youth Divisions, members In the case of companies there is not trade union yet: o at first: meet with the employer o if the management collaborate, recruitment can begin o if not, employees could contact us. Officers could give some advice to employees who have problems and they can join trade union’s local organization

19 Recruitment - major obstacles/challenges - Deficiency of the interest The concern of the workplace (threat, danger of sacking) Pressure by employers (There are some case when members step out because employers’ pressure) Employees spare the money on the membership fee because low wages Young persons identify the trade union with the time before change of system in Hungary, so it is difficult to address them

20 Recruitment - attract young workers - Website, facebook Arrange programs (trainings, sport events, etc.) Arrange trips to members Young shop stewards talk to young workers

21 Recruitment - attract young workers - To take lessons at technical colleges (Talk about work places, trade union, employee’s law, write curriculum vitae, etc.) Giving leaflets at department stores

22 Recruitment - success story - Mrs. Szilvia Melis (shop steward at Auchan): „ In 2009 we went to Miskolc (city in Hungary), to local Auchan. Before that date we haven’t got members in Miskolc at Auchan. There is a cashier, who was a shop steward. She arranged the recruitment. The receive was very good from employees and employers too. We recruited about 90 members under two days. It was a very successful period.”

23 Recruitment - success story - The reasons of this story’s success: Our shop stewards at Auchan arrange trade union open day. It is tried and trusted at Auchan. We have very skilled and active shop stewards at Auchan. They can address employees wery easily.

24 Trade Union of Commercial Employees Thank you for your attention! Availability:

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