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Chapter One, Section One Pages 80-89.  Marco Polo  Spent 17 years in China working for Kublai Khan  Hernan Cortes  Destroyed the Aztec Empire  Astrolabe.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter One, Section One Pages 80-89.  Marco Polo  Spent 17 years in China working for Kublai Khan  Hernan Cortes  Destroyed the Aztec Empire  Astrolabe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter One, Section One Pages 80-89

2  Marco Polo  Spent 17 years in China working for Kublai Khan  Hernan Cortes  Destroyed the Aztec Empire  Astrolabe  Measured the position of the stars  Christopher Columbus  Believed he could reach Asia by sailing West across Atlantic  Missions  Religious communities that included a town, farmland and a church  Crusades  Series of holy wars that increased trade

3  In 1217, sailed from Europe to Asia  Spent 17 years in China  Worked for Kublai Khan

4  Crusades increased trade between Europe and Middle East  Merchants made fortunes from trade in goods from China  Mercantilism: more goods equals more riches

5  Astrolabe: instrument that measured the position of the stars  Compass: determined sailor’s ships’ position  Stern Rudder: allowed ships to sail into the wind

6  1420: Prince Henry set up center for exploration  Explored the coast of Africa  Bartholomieu Dias  Vasco de Gama

7  Sailed West to Asia  Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria  Sighted land in Bahamas  New continent  Found gold, spices in Hispaniola

8  Spanish employed Portuguese mariners  Named Pacific Ocean  Circumnavigated the globe  Killed in Phillippines

9  Given right to explore  Gave Spanish crown part of any gold, silver

10  1519: conquered Tenochtitlan  Empire of the Aztec  Conquered Aztec Empire by:  Guns and cannons  Horses and large dogs  Disease (smallpox)

11  Ponce de Leon  Landed in Florida in 1513  First Spanish settlement in US  St. Augustine  Looking for “Fountain of Youth”

12  Wanted to profit from trade/colonization  Hoped to find Northwest Passage

13  England and Spain competed  Sir Francis Drake  Conquered Spanish Armada  England’s strength: maritime power

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