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Community College of Rhode Island Enrollment Report: Fall 2008 Who Are Our Students? William LeBlanc, Institutional Research & Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Community College of Rhode Island Enrollment Report: Fall 2008 Who Are Our Students? William LeBlanc, Institutional Research & Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community College of Rhode Island Enrollment Report: Fall 2008 Who Are Our Students? William LeBlanc, Institutional Research & Planning

2 CCRI 63% Part-time 37% Full-time

3 CCRI Fall 2007Fall 2008 % Change ’07 – ‘08 Standard Credit 127,922 88.2% 132,999 88% +3.9% Remedial/ Developmental 17,130 11.8% 18,111 12% +5.7% Total 145,052 100% 151,110 100% +4.2% CCRI STUDENT CREDIT HOURS & REMEDIAL CREDIT HOURS Fall 2008: 22.8% Minority (Fall 2007: 21.1%) MINORITY ENROLLMENT HISTORY Fall Semesters

4 CCRI Three Student “Cultures”- F’08 Traditional (5,199 or 30% of students) Less than 20 years of age Delayed Entry or Returning (5,647 or 32% of students) 20 to 24 years of age Adult Student Learner (6,752 or 38% of students) 25 years and older Also, there are different enrollment trends between full and part time students in each “culture” Note: 14 with unknown age excluded

5 CCRI Community College of Rhode Island: Highlights of Fall 2008 Enrollment Headcount enrollment totaled 17,612 students, an increase of 801 students (+4.8%) from last fall. This is the highest headcount enrollment at CCRI since 1992. Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment increased by 434 or 4.1% to 10,969 from last fall (10,535 FTE’s). This is the highest FTE enrollment in the college’s history. A record number of student credit hours was produced this fall (151,110). Of this total, 18,111 student credit hours were from remedial/developmental courses (11.9% of total). College-wide, 6,519 students enrolled full time or 209 more (+1.2%) than last fall. The percent of minority students increased from 21.1% to 22.8%. Also, 1,694 did not report their race/ethnicity and another 547 selected “Other.” Distance Learning enrollment increased 24.1% from 696 to 864 students. Since the fall of 2000, the percent of students 25 years of age or older has decreased from 42% (6,600) to 38.3% (6,752) of total headcount enrollment. In-state enrollments slightly increased to 94.6% and females accounted for 61% of enrollments. The Newport County Campus enrollment jumped from 1,543 to 1,698 students or 10.7% compared to last fall.

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