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Mr. Hahn’s Health Class Rules and Regulations. Class Rules: Be Respectful! Try Your Best! Sign out when you leave the room.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Hahn’s Health Class Rules and Regulations. Class Rules: Be Respectful! Try Your Best! Sign out when you leave the room."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Hahn’s Health Class Rules and Regulations

2 Class Rules: Be Respectful! Try Your Best! Sign out when you leave the room

3 Class Regulations: No Cell Phones in Class! First time warning. Second time I take it and you lose 20 points, or your points for the day. Third Time Write up

4 No I-pods or Headphones First time warning. Second time I take it and you lose 20 points from your participation grade. Third Time is a letter drop in your grade.

5 Don’t abuse the bathroom privilege! You will have 2 bathroom visits for each unit in health. Use them wisely

6 Don’t be late to class! First Time: Warning Second Time: Loss of 5 points (or 25%) of daily points Third Time: Write Up

7 Late Assignments will result in a loss of 5 points per day for each day the assignment is not turned in

8 No Food or drinks are permitted in the classroom except water! 1 st time: Warning 2 nd time: Loss of daily points and food/drink must be thrown out 3 rd time: Write up

9 Please, Please, Please… Do not talk when I am talking!

10 Entering class procedure… Upon entering class on time…  Take out guided notes  Write down learning goal(s) from board  Answer questions 1 and 2 about learning goal(s)  Discuss answers with group  Choose one answer for each question to share

11 Daily Learning Goal Questions: 1. What do I know about this already? 2. What do I want to know about this? 3. What did I learn about this? 4. How will I use this in my life?

12 Wrap-up procedure… Upon being told to wrap up…  Turn back to learning goal page of guided notes  Answer questions 3 and 4  Discuss answers with group  Choose best answer for each question and be ready to share

13 Here’s to a great class!

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