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Curriculum Night Tuesday, September 22 nd 1 Great happens here!

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1 Curriculum Night Tuesday, September 22 nd 1 Great happens here!

2 Standards at Parkside Mission and Vision of Parkside: Love Learn Lead 2

3 Daily Schedule 7:45 – 8:10 Morning Work 8:10 – 9:00 PREP 9:00 – 11:00 Literacy 11:00 – 12:00 Lunch and Recess 12:05 – 1:05 Specials 1:15 -2:35 Math – flexible grouping 2:35 – 3:10 Social Studies/Science 3:15 Dismissal 3

4 Grade Level Standards Assessments: DIBELS-Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) and Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) (words per minute) NWF Goal -54 sounds and 13 words ORF-Beginning-52 Middle-90 End of Year-124 Reading 3-D Beginning-J Middle-L End of Year-M 4

5 Literacy Literacy Common Core Standards – Literacy ‘Fiction’ Ask/Answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions Recount stories and determine their central message, lesson or moral. Describe how characters respond to major events/challenges Understands words/phrases in a story, poem or song Describe the beginning, middle and end of a story Use information gained from illustrations in a story to demonstrate understanding Writing: Writing narratives, which include elaborated sequence of events. Focus on a topic and strengthen writing with revisions and editing. 5

6 Literacy 6 Literacy Common Core Standards – ‘Informational’ Ask/Answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions Identify the main topic “main idea” as well as the main focus of paragraphs Determine the meaning of words in a text Explain how specific images (e.g. diagrams) help clarify the text Use text features to locate key facts or information (captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, index, charts, graphs, diagrams) Writing: Write informative texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement. Students will participate in research writing projects using a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing.

7 Math Number Sense: Compare and write 2 and 3 digit numbers in standard and expanded form, apply strategies when adding and subtracting whole numbers up to 1000. 7

8 Math 8 Geometry: Classify shapes by attributes. Understand congruence in shapes with different positions

9 Math 9 Patterns: Understand patterns as repeating or growing.

10 Math 10 Fractions: Understand equal shares, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 Measurement: Compare objects with respect to their lengths and identify temperature using standard units.

11 Math 11 To Be Mastered By The End of Second Grade: Money, counting coins, addition and subtraction strategies, fact fluency, place value, odd and even numbers, skip count by 5, 10, 100 up to 1000, telling time to the hour, half hour, and 5 minute intervals.

12 Social Studies History-Students will use sources such as timelines and photographs to learn information about the past. They will identify the contributions of historical figures. Geography and Environmental Literacy-Students will read maps and identify symbols and features on maps. They will learn how people depend on natural resources. Economics and Financial Literacy-Students will explain the roles of producers and consumers and the concepts of supply and demand and saving, spending, borrowing and giving. 12

13 Social Studies Civics and Government-Students will explain government services and identify the characteristics of good citizens. Culture-Students will explain how diverse cultures contribute to the community and recognize events and historical figures associated with cultural traditions. 13

14 Science Matter: Properties and Change-The learner will observe and conduct investigations to build an understanding of changes in the properties of solids and liquids. Earth Systems, Structures and Processes-The learner will conduct investigations to understand the patterns of weather and how weather can be affected. 14

15 Science Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Evolution and Genetics-The learner will conduct investigations and build an understanding of animal life cycles. The learner will identify how plants and animals resemble their parents. Forces and Motion-The learner will conduct investigations to understand how sound is produced. 15

16 Measures of academic progress (MAP) What is MAP? On-line computer based Universal Screener K-5 Assessments provide detailed data about where each child is currently performing Does not count towards your child’s grade! It drives instruction for the teacher Students will be assessed BOY, MOY, EOY Reports are generated and shared at your teacher conference 16

17 Parent Communication Each teacher will update their class news on their wikki or weebly weekly. Ms. White: Ms. Kelly: Ms. Rosales: Ms. Davis: Ms. Bloomquist: 17

18 18 Purpose of School Wide Behavior Plan Establish a positive school environment Minimize school wide discipline issues Provide clear and consistent expectations

19 School Wide Color Behavior System All students begin each day on Ready to Lead Students can move up and down the chart based on their choices throughout the day. Up – positive behavior Down – poor choices Consistent consequences for colors. Color Clip Chart

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21 21 Monthly Focus 7 Habits of Happy Kids + The Essential 55 Goal is to develop the whole child In line with Leader In Me mentality and supports school wide behavior. School Wide – Classroom and Specialty areas are responsible for teaching and reiterating each habit.

22 22 Behavior Tracker Students set behavior goals for themselves Students complete chart at the end of each day based on their clip chart color Used for daily parent communication Parents initial daily

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24 Homework Policy First Quarter Literacy: All students are expected to read 30 minutes 5 nights a week. This reading should be recorded in the student’s agenda. Math: Homework will be posted on Monday on the student’s math teacher’s web page. Homework is due on Friday. 24

25 Questions? 25

26 Thank you for attending Curriculum Night! 26

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