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ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Silicon Detector Design Study H.Weerts Fermilab / Michigan State University.

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Presentation on theme: "ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Silicon Detector Design Study H.Weerts Fermilab / Michigan State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Silicon Detector Design Study H.Weerts Fermilab / Michigan State University

2 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Intro & history “Once upon a time” SiD effort started at SLAC ALCPG, with approval of WWS, initiated Silicon based detector design study based on above John Jaros and Harry Weerts were asked to launch it This is the first time you hear about this & we are starting ( So there is not that much to say !!) Were ILCSC, LCWS, ELCPG, ALCPG, BLCXX and HLCPG consulted on actions by USLCSC with involvement of ICFA and blessing by IUPAP ? What about NSF, DOE, NSERC, P5, ITRF, DPF and APS ? Question (on acronyms) : A lot of effort, start & study basic concept

3 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design studyGoals Design Study of a silicon based detector for ILC Main goal now: cost estimate for concept by Fall 2005. Resulting in a document describing a conceptual design & performance ( not necessarily a CDR) evolved over last month Studies have to allow a comparison of designs That is the technical part It is not a collaboration It is not exclusive i.e. any group or person can join and contribute to more than one design study It is global The other part

4 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design studyEvolution/Globalization Evolve in next few months: SLAC+ USERS SLAC & FNAL + users Start small and practical GOAL Flags by courtesy of CIA……… Complete this before major organizational decisions are made, but start work ( now ECFA and ACFA in November) You are here

5 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design studyLogos…… Important part of starting anything in physics (not all serious) First logo version by SLAC designer (on upcoming WEB page) More to come by future participants……………………….. SiD WEB page: If you are interested …….. sign up here

6 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Basic Idea & Assumptions for SiD (NOT: to study a small detector) ILC detector based on a integrated, optimized and hermetic design Aggressive & High performance detector Constrain cost and use that from the beginning as a constraint Optimize the integrated physics performance of the subsystems Assume “particle/energy” flow concept in overall detector design ( needed to achieve physics performance) Use silicon as the main detector element for all tracking In some sense this started as a response to a “Standard” e + e - detector ( can it be done a different way ???)

7 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD starting point (1) Starting point: SiD concept Accept notion that excellent energy flow calorimetry is required, and explore optimization of a Tungsten- Silicon EMCal and the implications for the detector architecture…

8 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD starting point/motivation (2)  Robustness of silicon against unexpected beam conditions/loss  Silicon is expensive, so limit area by limiting radius  Get back BR 2 by pushing B up (~5T)  Maintain tracking resolution by using silicon strips in tracker  Buy safety margin for VXD with the 5T B-field ( limit radial extent of pair background; smaller radius for VXD.)  Make full use of 5 VXD space points for pattern recognition

9 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD concept overview R Z Muon system HCAL EMCAL Si-W Tracking- silicon VXD 5T coil NOT A SMALL DETECTOR Very schematic drawing; more later

10 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD concept sizes Overall SiD Size of VXD outer cryostat and EMCAL (EMCAL inner radius larger than Dzero EM cal radius)

11 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Vertex detector Build on SLD/VX3 success Radius: inner ~1 –1.5cm outer 10cm, 0.2% X 0 Extend 5 layer tracking over max  (5 barrel + 4 forward layers)  improve  Coverage, improve σ xy, σ rz 5 CCD layers cos  <.97 4 CCD layers cos  <.98 Minimize CCD area/cost  Shorten Barrel CCDs to 12.5 cm (vs. 25.0cm) Thin the CCD barrel endplate Simulations of this geometry done already Tesla SiD

12 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design studyTracking  Silicon; Inner radius 20cm outer radius 125cm; 5 layers  SLC/SLD Prejudice: Silicon is robust against machine mishaps; wires & gas are not.  Silicon should be relatively easy to commission – no td relations, easily modeled Lorentz angle, stable geometry and constants.  SiD as a system should have superb track finding: u 5 layers of highly pixellated CCD’s plus u 5 layers of Si strips, outer layer measures 2 coordinates u EMCAL provides extra tracking for V finding - ~1mm resolution!  Minimize material before endcap calorimeter  Simulation Studies have been and are underway  Hardware developments (just starting) u Effort on ASIC…….. adapting for long bunch trains u Structure design work starting at FNAL

13 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Silicon Tracking (cont’d)  Ladder configurations under study.  Minimal electronics and power pulsing make gas cooling easy. No liquids, leaks or associated mass. Structure and mechanical considerations Initial thoughts on support structure Support structure by Fermilab Use double carbon fiber support cylinders for each barrel Long ladders evolved to shorter structures & cylinders

14 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD EMCal concept(1) SiD EMCal concept(1) Inner radius: 1.25m, outer radius 1.41 m; 29 X 0 Design driver Consider other technologies ?? 30 or fewer long. samples

15 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD concept EMCal (2) Wafer and readout chip Concept: many channels (1-2K) on one ASIC

16 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design studyHCAL Inner Radius ~ 1.42m, outer radius ~ 2.44m; thickness ~4   samples; 2cm Fe, 1 mm gap Technology not specified, dependent on ongoing vibrant Calorimeter R&D Several possibilities: Digital or Analog or mix RPC’s GEM’s Scintillator ( SiPM, APD,……) Initial starting assumption: use Fe as absorber Have started to look at this with “detector on a spreadsheet” Inside the coil

17 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design studySolenoid Need feasibility study in next year to at least convince ourselves that 5T can be built. Expertise not readily available. CMS solenoid sets current scale. Inner radius: ~ 2.47m to ~3.32m, L=5.4m; Stored energy ~ 1.1 GJ Does physics really require 5T? Cost [M$] Energy [GJ] SiD Cost model

18 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Muon system/Flux return Inner Radius ~ 3.35m, outer radius ~ 6.34m; 44 layers; thickness ~14  Flux return and muon ID, as well as tail catcher for HCal Technology not specified, dependent on ongoing Muon R&D Possibilities: RPC GEM Scintillator (PMT and Si-PM)

19 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Performance criteria Should be agreed upon with other detector design studies Use standard processes: WW, ZZ, t-tbar, HZ + some SUSY ? Define Physics Benchmarks. How to approach this …….. (More from Jim Brau tomorrow) Use existing tools & algorithms……. even if incomplete Will be forced to start with imperfect tools

20 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design studyCost Very preliminary cost estimate ( in WBS structure !) exist Only showing that tool exists

21 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study First steps….. What has happened since Victoria, ALCPG meeting ? Jim Brau’s talk tomorrow contains more info and will go through some of the questions Created 2 page document with a draft of initial questions and issues to be addressed by the study. Currently some emphasis on calorimeter layout in those questions ( driving force) and we have had one meeting with some of the groups, present at Victoria, and interested in calorimeter to discuss this. Need anybody who interested to get involved……….

22 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD on a spreadsheet (1) Parameterize the major subdetector boundaries and parameters Put in cost for materials ( per kg for absorber) Cost for detector elements ( per m 2 ) A solenoid cost model Create sliders to change parameters like absorbers, gaps, barrel/forward transition, BR 2, HCAL in or out of coil, etc Allows one to: Make a simple drawing detector Track components/material needed for options Do simple cost comparisons of options Identify cost drivers Very useful tool for overall detector concept/design Tool by M. Breidenbach

23 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD Spreadsheet Info not in online talk

24 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD on a spreadsheet (2) Some examples of cost ( cost and d(cost)/d(parameter): Fix B and increase outer R of tracker Change Hcal thickness ( units  )

25 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study HCal original/starting point Starting point Fe ; sample 2cm=1.1X 0 34 samples; 4  38 X 0 ; DR=1.02m W absorber; sample 1.1cm=3.1X 0 34 samples; 4  110 X 0 ; DR=0.74m Smaller, denser Hcal considerations

26 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study HCAL drivers(2) W ; sample 0.7cm =2X 0 55 samples; 4  110 X 0 ; DR=0.94m W absorber; sample 1.1cm=3.1X 0 34 samples; 4  110 X 0 ; DR=0.74m Current favorite …… Hcal considerations

27 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Hcal options ( examples of costs) Fe ; sample 2cm = 1.1X 0 34 samples; 4  38 X 0 ; DR=1.02m W ; sample 0.7cm =2X 0 55 samples; 4  110 X 0 ; DR=0.94m Total: $238M Cost for comparison only Total: $290M

28 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD Design Study endpoint Even though we have a starting point, the resulting final optimal detector configuration is not clear. Will depend on results of study, new ideas, inputs, simulations and last but not least the participants in the study

29 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Meeting tomorrow SiD Design Study “ECFA Kick-off” meeting On Saturday Sept 4, 2004 in OC-218 room from 14:00-17:00 (Please sign up for meeting if you have not ) Agenda: Plans for SiD Design StudyJ.Jaros Critical Questions/Issues for StudyJ.Brau Status of Simulation N.Graf General Discussion, Questions, Expressions of Interest Next Steps H.Weerts Everybody welcome

30 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Obviously no conclusions yet … …. because work is ahead of us We have started

31 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study Relative Detector Configurations From Sachio Komamiya SiD LDTesla

32 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study HCAL drivers(3) W ; sample 0.7cm =2X 0 55 samples; 4  110 X 0 ; DR=0.94m Fe ; sample 1.2cm=0.7X 0 56 samples; 4  38 X 0 ; DR=1.23cm

33 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study HCAl drivers 1 Fe ; sample 1.2cm = 0.7X 0 56 samples; 4  38 X 0 ; DR=1.23m Fe ; sample 2cm = 1.1X 0 34 samples; 4  38 X 0 ; DR=1.02m Starting point

34 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study SiD on a spreadsheet (3) Detector configurations: R_tracker=1.66m, Hcal= 6 , Fe Cost: ~$348M R_tracker=1.25m, Hcal= 4 , Fe Cost: ~$268M Nominal

35 ECFA 04, Durham, Sept. 04 H.Weerts SiD design study

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