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September 14, 2010. Co-Chair, Jay Steele, Associate Superintendent for High Schools Co-Chair Marc Hill, Chief Education Officer, Nashville Area Chamber.

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Presentation on theme: "September 14, 2010. Co-Chair, Jay Steele, Associate Superintendent for High Schools Co-Chair Marc Hill, Chief Education Officer, Nashville Area Chamber."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 14, 2010

2 Co-Chair, Jay Steele, Associate Superintendent for High Schools Co-Chair Marc Hill, Chief Education Officer, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce Tina Atchison, parent of Big Picture High School student Shatrina Cathey, MNPS Teacher, McGavock High School Deana Conn, MNPS ELL Office Dr. Ann Cumbie, Director of School Counseling Service Melissa Harkreader, Assistant Principal, Cane Ridge High School Marlaina Hawks, Antioch High School Parent Kelly Henderson, Executive Director of Instruction Starr Herrman, MNPS Director of Small Learning Communities

3 Melissa Jaggers, Associate Director, Alignment Nashville Kevin Koster, Teacher, McGavock High School Karen Leftkovitz, Executive Director, High Schools Tony Majors, Principal, Glencliff High School David McNeel, SLC consultant Chelsea Parker, Director Business Engagement, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce Bill Rochford, Health Partnership Council Chair, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Branson Townsend, Tennessee Department of Education Dr. Schunn Turner, Principal, MLK Academic Magnet High School Michelle Wilcox, Executive Director,High Schools Ellen Zinkiewicz, Youth and Community Coordinator, Nashville Career Advancement Center

4 Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools will provide every student with the foundation of knowledge, skills and character necessary to excel in higher education, work and life.

5 Personalized small learning community Rigor, Relevance, Relationships & Readiness Project-based, applied and integrated instruction Businesses, post-secondary institutions, and community World class schools Students are college AND career ready All students at the highest level possible


7 HS Dashboard / Accomplishments Refer to Dashboard in Your Packet 5-year plan for the Academies of Nashville completed Academies of Nashville branding completed and implemented in 12 high schools Characteristics of an MNPS Graduate finalized Comprehensive high schools implemented common schedule, redesigned into academies, aligned programs with targeted industries

8 Accomplishments - continued Naming Rights - The Tennessee Credit Union 10 Teacher Externships completed Business partners aligned with academies (93 Academy partners and counting) Opened the Transitions program Established a Virtual Learning Program

9 5-Year SLC Strategic Plan Overview Product of 18 months of work Narrative places the plan in context Plan is a 5-year SLC vision around the three strands Transforming Teaching and Learning Redesigning High Schools Sustaining Change Through Business & Civic Leadership Anchored by the National Standards of Practice

10 Teacher Externship Video of 2010 Summer Externships for Teachers

11  a plan for postsecondary education and career  a minimum 21 composite score on the ACT  a work-based or service learning experience, or a capstone research project  at least one course completed online  college credit, a nationally-recognized professional certification, or both

12  All 9 th Grade Students  Outlines HS Courses, College Options, Career Plans  10 Year Plan –  Owned by Students

13  Minimum of a 21 composite Score  Professional Development for Teachers on ACT (11) / PLAN (10) / EXPLORE (8)  Focus on Raising Metro Scores in All Schools

14  Work-based Learning, or  Service Learning, or  Capstone Research Project

15  Established an Instructional Technology Department  Created a Virtual Learning Program  Working on Virtual Legislation

16  Establishing Articulation Agreements with Colleges / Universities / Technical Schools – Focus on Acceleration Options – Earn College Credit in HS  Identifying National Professional Certifications

17 Other Initiatives Collect and Analyze Data Elements to Measure Student Achievement Researching a Re-Engagement Center Develop Branding for Magnets & Non-Traditional Schools Research a Hub Transportation System – School Options Intensive Professional Development for Administrators and Team Leaders Highly Effective Teaming, Differentiated Instruction, Integrated and Project-Based Learning, Professional Learning Communities and ACT Practices

18 Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools will provide every student with the foundation of knowledge, skills and character necessary to excel in higher education, work and life.

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