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Primary Care Reference Group Workshop 3 – 2nd March 2016.

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1 Primary Care Reference Group Workshop 3 – 2nd March 2016

2 Workshop Overview Workshop three had two aims: 1.To look at the current Vanguard proposed new model of SYSTEMWIDE payment of Capitated payments 2.To undertake a simulation exercise using patient scenarios from the complex patient cohort to consider: How do we fundamentally shift our thinking to a systemwide approach How does a capitated budget model impact on this?

3 ‘My Journey’ Each Workshop begins with two members telling the group about their journey. We try to match members journeys to the agenda for that workshop. Workshop 3: Tim Madelin – Associate Director, Public Health No presentation available Dr Liliana Risi - Sessional GP, previous CCG quality in general practice and Last Years of Life Right click on link below to open hyperlink:- I:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\2.3.16 Workshop 3\Comms write up WShop 3\Liliana Risi Story in Images.pptx

4 Presentations given to the Group National/London/WEL Primary Care Strategy Right click on link below to open hyperlink: I:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\2.3.16 Workshop 3\Comms write up WShop 3\Primary care strategy slides.pptx Systemwide Approach to payment Right click on link below to open hyperlink:- I:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\2.3.16 Workshop 3\Comms write up WShop 3\System Wide Presentation.pptx Person centred delivery to support self management eg Esther project : Right click on link below to open hyperlink:-

5 What we did- The session was interactive, breaking into two groups to carry out a simulation exercise. Each group was given a patient scenario to look covering: 1) How do we fundamentally shift our thinking to a systemwide approach 2) How does a capitated budget model impact on this? Patient Scenarios: Right click on link below to open hyperlink:- I:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\2.3.16 Workshop 3\Comms write up WShop 3\Patient Case Scentarios.docxI:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\2.3.16 Workshop 3\Comms write up WShop 3\Patient Case Scentarios.docx

6 Group Feedback: In our previous work we have agreed on the value of being person-centred. Capitated budgets for clinically defined segments of the population have been being modelled bit locally and nationally as a way of promoting a shift to systemwide personalised care. For this simulation we suggested that the scope of the budget included all of the primary care budget, both core and QOF/ enhanced services, all community and secondary care health budgets and social care. Our learning was that it was hard to construct an idea of the annual cost of care and that this was going to take a considerable amount of time and engagement- It certainly made us think very differently about what was needed. We didn't get anywhere near working out what the implications of such a shift could be for primary care nor to whether this is an approach that could be made to work or not. Full write up of feedback: Right click on link below to open hyperlink:- I:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\2.3.16 Workshop 3\Comms write up WShop 3\Capitation and costing.docxI:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\2.3.16 Workshop 3\Comms write up WShop 3\Capitation and costing.docx

7 How to get involved? Request a practice visit. Sam and the Primary Care Team are visiting practices who want to raise any issues or flag up a new ideas. Read our newsletter – we’ll be providing regular updates through NewsinBrief Check the Tower Hamlets GP website for updates on primary care transformation The Primary Care Team will continue to attend regular meetings to provide updates and hear your views - E.g. Locality meetings, Health Watch, Health and Well Being Forum, LMC, Practice Manager Forums …We’ve also set up a patient reference group to steer our wider public and patient engagement Locality based work shops will be held in April/May

8 Look ahead to Workshop 4 – 23 rd March 2016 Service/Operational Delivery at what level? (Borough/Locality/Network/Practice) Across the population

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