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AoA Office of Program Innovation and Development (OPID) All-Grantees Call December 15, 2011 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION.

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Presentation on theme: "AoA Office of Program Innovation and Development (OPID) All-Grantees Call December 15, 2011 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 AoA Office of Program Innovation and Development (OPID) All-Grantees Call December 15, 2011 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION ON AGING, WASHINGTON DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3523 | EMAIL | WEB

2 Today’s Agenda Grantee Activities and Highlights: Community Living Initiatives AoA ACA Webinars - New Opportunities from Affordable Care Act HRSA Family-to-Family Health Information Center Initiative TA Center Announcements Questions U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION ON AGING, WASHINGTON DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3555 | EMAIL AOAINFO@AOA.GOV | WEB WWW.AOA.GOV

3 Management Information System Personal interview Decision Support Develop Action Plan Connect To Services Transportation CDSMP/EBDP HCBS Nutrition Housing Participant In Control & Directing Services Participant In Control & Directing Services No Wrong Door System Continuous Quality Improvement

4 Realizing the Vision: Office of Program Innovation and Demonstration Areas of Focus and Grants Aging & Disability Resource Centers Community Living Program Veteran-Directed HCBS Options Counseling Care Transitions ADRC/MFP Collaboration U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION ON AGING, WASHINGTON DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3555 | EMAIL AOAINFO@AOA.GOV | WEB WWW.AOA.GOV Community Living Evidence-Based Disease Prevention Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Program Chronic Disease Self- Management Program Diabetes Self-Management Training Health, Prevention and Wellness Systems Integration

5 5 AoA received 5-Yr Plans for Expanding ADRCs Statewide ADRCs widely recognized as catalyst of broad systems change – More then 700 attendees representing 11 federal agencies attended ADRC National Meeting, February 2011 – AARP State LTSS Scorecard emphasized role of ADRCs/SEP in rebalancing, September 2011 – National Evaluation of ADRC – data collection to begin 2012 AoA and CMS view ADRCs as the platform to: – Implement new initiatives: VD-HCBS, Care Transitions – Strengthen existing initiatives: MFP ADRCs strengthening partnerships across Aging and Disability networks: – 57% of ADRCs are either operated by a CIL (24%) or a formal partnership exists with the CIL (33%) Grantee Highlights Aging and Disability Resource Centers

6 ADRC History & Timeline 12 states, 8 sites, 2% of pop. 24 states, 42 sites, 8% of pop. 43 states, 81 sites, 13% of pop. 43 states, 147 sites, 30% of pop. 43 states, 201 sites, 39% of pop. 47 states, 300 sites, 49% of pop. 51 states, 344 sites, 54% of pop. 51 states, 383 sites, 60% of pop.

7 *18 states and 2 territories are “statewide”: AR, CNMI, DE, DC, GA, Guam, KY, IN, LA, MA, MN, NH, NM, OH, RI, SC, TN, VT, WV, WY ADRC Coverage as of December 2011

8 ADRCs are Highly Visible and Trusted Places U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION ON AGING, WASHINGTON DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3555 | EMAIL AOAINFO@AOA.GOV | WEB WWW.AOA.GOV Reporting Time Period Total Number of Contacts Total Number of Contacts per Month Average Contacts per Month per 1,000 Residents in Service Area Number of Program Sites Reporting Oct. 2004 – March 2005 182,116 28,7992.831 April 2005 – Sept. 2005 311,398 54,4942.846 Oct. 2005 – March 2006 454,061 76,5783.158 April 2006 – Sept. 2006 372,482 62,8252.566 Oct. 2006 – March 2007 483,573 96,3243.191 April 2007 – Sept. 2007 634,535 106,4002.890 Oct. 2007 – March 2008702,660119,6262.9107 April 2008 – Sept. 2008713,730118,9552.9128 Oct. 2008 – March 2009993,740165,6233.6125 April 2009 – Sept. 20091,140,167331,3863.9131 Oct. 2009 – March 20101,387,181241,0813.9194 April 2010 – Sept. 20101,866,019321,1894.7247 Oct. 2010 – March 20112,244,782374,4184.3276 More than 15 million contacts received by ADRCs since 2004

9 Sustaining ADRC Activities Summary of Funding Pursuits Across 14 ADRC State Plans PossibleCurrentPossibleCurrentPossibleCurrent ADRC Grant, OAA SHIP, MIPPA State Funds, VD-HCBS

10 Aging and Disability Resource Center Role in Care Transitions Goals –Improve ADRC capacity to provide care coordination and reduce health care expenditures of people with disabilities and/or chronic conditions –Position ADRC and Aging Network for additional funding opportunities Approach –2008: Partnered with CMS and engaged AAA/SAAs in QIO 9th SOW Care Transition –2008/2009: CMS funds Hospital Discharge Planning Grants for ADRC –2009: Care Transition as a new core function of ADRC –2010: AoA funding to16 states to develop ADRC CT standards, implement and measure impact of CT interventions Collaborated with Center for Technology and Aging on IT component to ADRC CT activity in 5 states –Developed evaluation framework and worked with researchers to include HCBS –Work with original Evidence Based CT developers to embed ADRC in training materials Current Status –97 ADRCs are actively partnering with 122 hospitals across 35 states* –32 states are partnering with QIO’s/21 states are partnering with hospital associations** –Between 4/1/11-9/30/11, 66 sites served 8,553 consumers with care transition following an acute care episode; 3,641 consumers received an EB Care Transition program –Readmission rates U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging, Washington DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3555 | EMAIL | WEB

11 Grantee Highlights Option D Care Transitions * 10 states with CMS Hospital Discharge Planning Model grant † 16 states with 2010 ADRC Care Transitions grant  6 states participating in CCTP

12 National ADRC Options Counseling Program Standards Development 2010 Program Announcement Goals –Identify how Options Counseling intersects with core functions –Define the work of OC through standards – including definition, staffing, training, infrastructure, partnerships and outreach –Personal interview, options/decision support, planning assistance, access to supports, follow-up Current Status –Through monthly meetings drafted and revised standards –Current standards will be posted, with logic model, on ADRC TAE website and updated as revised but core structure is in place –Grant partners currently implementing pilot standards Take Aways – Continue move toward person-centered/directed approach at a national level, provide common base of OC practice, while preparing network for current and future opportunities.

13 2010 OC Grantee State Others Reporting Work on Standards OC Draft Standards Completed Options Counseling Standards Development October 2011 Hawaii Alaska MT ID WA CO WY NV CA NM AZ MN KS TX IA WI IL KY TN IN OH MI ALMS AR LA FL SC WV VA NC PA* VT RI ME NH OR UT SD ND MO OK NE NY CT MA DC DE Guam Northern Mariana Islands GA Puerto Rico MD NJ



16 LTSS Workforce Competency Project AoA mission and vision to make participant-directed services an option available to all Develop a competency, assessment, and training system to imbed participant direction, person-centered planning, and cultural competencies in all workforce occupations in Aging Network Create consistency in knowledge of participant direction, person-centered planning, and cultural competencies, and ability to provide participant-directed options to all individuals served by the Aging Network U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION ON AGING, WASHINGTON DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3523 | EMAIL | WEB

17 Grantee Highlights ADRC and Money Follows the Person U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION ON AGING, WASHINGTON DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3555 | EMAIL AOAINFO@AOA.GOV | WEB WWW.AOA.GOV ADRCs play a critical role in nursing facility transitions under the Money Follows the Person Demonstration (MFP) in 37 of the MFP states. ADRCs are involved in nursing facility transitions in another 4 states. Local Contact Agency for MDS 3.0 Section Q – ADRC is only LCA in 12 states – ADRC has been designated as one LCA among many in 39 states ► ADRC role includes: Screening, Identifying and assessing candidates Providing Options Counseling Establishing service plans & coordinating services Implementing service plans and facilitating access to HCBS Establishing/ strengthening quality assurance and CQI Strengthening infrastructure to facilitate transitions Educate/outreach to state agencies and NFs about MDS 3.0 Section Q

18 Grantee Highlights Systems Integration Grants Awards to Georgia, Minnesota, New York, and Ohio in September 2011 Goals to enhance and integrate state systems to streamline access to older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers and develop sustainable, dementia-capable systems for access and service delivery. Significant focus on performance tracking and data collection to document impact of integration, partnership, training on access, service delivery, consumer satisfaction and health

19 Notable Opportunities from the Affordable Care Act to Explore Section 10202: Balancing Incentive Payments Program Section 2703: Health Homes for Individuals with Chronic Conditions Section 3026: Community Care Transitions Program Section 2401: Community First Choice Option Beneficiary Focus Section 2701: Adult Health Quality Measures For more information about these and other ACA provisions and their implications for your programs visit the AoA Website: px px

20 Partnerships: Essential to ADRCs U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION ON AGING, WASHINGTON DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3555 | EMAIL AOAINFO@AOA.GOV | WEB WWW.AOA.GOV More a network than a place or an entity. Background and Purpose of ADRC ADRCs report an average of: 14 formal partnerships with individual organizations at program/local level Formal partnerships with 14 different types of organizations at the state level

21 Family to Family and ADRCs: Opportunity for Partnership

22 Questions?

23 TA Center Activities and Resources

24 2012 Planned TA Activities Technical Assistance Exchange New Products in Development New ADRC Business Plan Template Care Transitions Costs Estimation and Sustainability Planning Tools VD-HCBS Toolkit Key Activities Planned Conduct Fully Functional Assessment 2012 Monthly and quarterly calls for grantees on select topics Work with AoA and SI grantees on development of core set of performance measures Planned Trainings for 2012 VD-HCBS Implementation Training Series Updated “Intro to ADRC Training”, “Aging and Disability Partnerships Training”, and “Art of Options Counseling Training” New “Sustainability/ Systems Integration Training”

25 2012 Planned TA Activities National Resource Center on Participant-Directed Services Continue VD-HCBS Pre-Readiness Review TA Conduct VD-HCBS Readiness Reviews Develop New Six-Month Look-Back on Active Sites Provide Individual TA (AoA, Thomson, New Editions, and Membership) Provide PD/PcP Webinars Continue Aging Network Toolkit Initiative Continue Core Competencies Project Work Finalize RWJ Behavioral Health Feasibility Study U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION ON AGING, WASHINGTON DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3555 | EMAIL AOAINFO@AOA.GOV | WEB WWW.AOA.GOV

26 2012 Planned TA Activities National Council on Aging New Products in Development Model State Distribution and Delivery Systems New Quality Assurance Template Sustainability Tools Tip Sheets, Case Studies Key Activities Planned Sustainability Webinar in December Monthly TA calls for grantees on select topics planned for 2012 EBDDP Lessons Learned Report Please take a minute to visit NCOA’s new website where you will find materials on improving health and enhancing economic security. Sign up for NCOA Week, Falls Free E-news or the Center for Healthy Aging newsletter. Visit U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION ON AGING, WASHINGTON DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3555 | EMAIL AOAINFO@AOA.GOV | WEB WWW.AOA.GOV

27 2012 Planned TA Activities ADSSP TA Center Key Activities Planned Monthly technical assistance calls focusing on dementia capability Quarterly cluster calls for grantees with evidence-based interventions Monthly dashboard and semi-annual reports to AoA on the performance of ADSSP grants Planned Technical Assistance Call Topics Creating Dementia Capable Options Counseling and Assistance Programs Working Toward Dementia Capable Person-Centered Care Transitions Programs Update on the National Alzheimer’s Project New Products Issue Brief: Making the Long Term Services and Supports System Work for People with Dementia and their Caregivers Dementia Capability Toolkit U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION ON AGING, WASHINGTON DC 20201 PHONE 202.619.0724 | FAX 202.357.3555 | EMAIL AOAINFO@AOA.GOV | WEB WWW.AOA.GOV

28 Questions?

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