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LIFESTYLE ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK. FIRSTBEAT Over 15 years of experience in heart rate variability analysis methods Strong research background Leading products.

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Presentation on theme: "LIFESTYLE ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK. FIRSTBEAT Over 15 years of experience in heart rate variability analysis methods Strong research background Leading products."— Presentation transcript:


2 FIRSTBEAT Over 15 years of experience in heart rate variability analysis methods Strong research background Leading products in over 40 countries Firstbeat is a pioneer in health and wellness assessments Over 100 000 employees have taken part in Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment Firstbeat technology is widely used in consumer products E.g. heart rate monitors and smart watches Our products are widely used in professional sports Customers include over 500 professional teams

3 Helps you understand the state of your well- being and what to do to improve it. Manage stress Recognize activities that cause stress Enhance recovery See how you recover during sleep Exercise right See the effect of your exercise FIRSTBEAT LIFESTYLE ASSESSMENT A comprehensive look at well-being during work, leisure and sleep!

4 LIFESTYLE ASSESSMENT BACKGROUND Stress reactions Recovery... Oxygen consumption Firstbeat measures heart rate variability to analyze these functions Heart rate variability (HRV) contains information about key physiological functions Relaxation Firstbeat produces a comprehensive report about personal well-being

5 Lifestyle Assessment Report


7 PERSONAL AND MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Daily heart rate values (low/average/high) and possible medications and alcohol Estimated based on age: Formula: 210 - (0.65 x age) Accurate information guarantees a more reliable analysis result.

8 DEFINITION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL STATES Other state (white) Increased activation level in the body. Heart rate and respiration ↑ Heart rate variability ↓ Oxygen uptake <20% of max capacity Lowered activation level & calming down of the body. Heart rate and respiration ↓ Heart rate variability ↑ Oxygen uptake <20% of max capacity Physical stress / activity during which the intensity is > 30% of maximal capacity. Low-level physical stress/ activity during which the intensity is 20-30% of maximal capacity. Typically recovery from exercise, short awakenings during sleep or missing data periods (for example during a shower). Physical activity Recovery Stress reactions Light physical activity

9 POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE STRESS? Positive stress activates the body and improves efficiency, and in general does not disturb recovery or sleep. Negative stress keeps the body constantly activated (wired) and prevents recovery while resting or sleeping.

10 WHAT DOES YOUR DAY LOOK LIKE? Do you recover during the day? (e.g. break / relaxation moment) Do you exercise enough? Do you sleep enough? Do you recover during sleep?

11 DO YOU RECOVER DURING SLEEP? The length of sleep means sleep duration as recorded in the journal, from going to bed to waking up. Amount of recovery during sleep is on average 60% (Firstbeat 2014). Quality of recovery is based on analysis of heart rate variability.

12 RECOGNIZE YOUR STRESSORS WEAK NIGHTTIME RECOVERY Ovetime work Alcohol Illnesses and medications Pain Work stress Chronic sleep problems Shift work, jetlag Intensive exercise before bed or a physically overloading day Stressful activities before bedtime (e.g. work emails/chores) Stimulants or stimulating activities (e.g. computer games) Poor fitness level Overweight Menopause Negative emotions and thoughts

13 DO YOU RECOVER DURING WORK? Firstbeat 2014: On average, there is 13 min of recovery during the workday Over 50-year-olds have the most work time recovery! Those in poor physical condition are more affected by stress (less recovery than people in good condition). Based on the results, 29% do not recover at any point during the workday.

14 FIND A MEANINGFUL WAY TO RELAX Relaxation / breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, stretching Watching TV, listening to music, reading Sudokus, crosswords, crafts, gardening Finding ”own time and space” Cooking, eating Sauna, baths, heat treatments Strolling in nature, fishing, picking berries, house projects Golf, dancing, playing music, culture Enjoyable hobbies, spending quality time with pets, kids, spouse Humor, laughing

15 ARE STRESS AND RECOVERY IN BALANCE? Amount of stress reactions is on average 50% / day (Firstbeat 2016) Amount of recovery is on average 26% / day (Firstbeat 2016) Do you have > 30% of recovery during the 24-hr period?


17 EXAMPLE OF MODERATE RECOVERY No recovery during the day; only moderate recovery during sleep

18 EXAMPLE OF WEAK RECOVERY Practically no recovery during the day or during sleep and a short sleep period.

19 ALCOHOL WEAKENS RECOVERY 33-year-old healthy woman, BMI 23.5 Thursday No alcohol, lowest heart rate 50 Friday 4 portions of alcohol, lowest heart rate 53



22 BETTER FITNESS IMPROVES YOUR ABILITY TO RECOVER Good stress balance Poor stress balance Physically active people (> 3 hrs per week) Physically inactive people (< 30 mins) The balance between stress and recovery over 24-hr periods, in relation to physical activity Increasing the amount of physical activity by a couple of hours per week improves the ability to recover significantly!

23 HEALTH EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Note! This analysis measures how much the exercise loads your cardiovascular and respiratory system! The effects of e.g. strength or speed training, pilates or flexibility exercises are not reflected here. Over 60 physical activity points means that the health benefits were significant. Amount of physical activity was sufficient for health purposes if you reached 60 points or more on at least 2 days.

24 TRAINING EFFECT OF EXERCISE Walk Football Biking Training effect (TE) tells the effect of the exercise session on aerobic fitness. The scale of TE is 1-5.


26 ARE YOU BUILDING OR CONSUMING YOUR BODY’S RESOURCES? Sleep periods replenish the resources that were consumed during the day. Resources decrease due to insufficient recovery.

27 STRESS, RECOVERY AND SLEEP Lifestyle Assessment Summary helps you to compare different days and shows your average result in relation to recommendations and age group averages.

28 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, ENERGY EXPENDITURE AND STEPS Did you reach the recommended level of health-promoting physical activity? Did you accumulate the recommended number of at least 10000 steps? Steps are recognized reliably during walking and running. Short sequences of a few steps, for example during household work, do not accumulate steps.





33 GOALS THAT PEOPLE TYPICALLY SET TO IMPROVE WELL-BEING Source: Firstbeat database, app. 100 000 measurements Identify personal stress factors & learn better stress management Make time for even short recovery moments Find an enjoyable physical activity Increase the amount of sleep (34%) Reduce use of alcohol and stimulants


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