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BTEC 1 NQF Level 3 BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design INTRODUCING THE NEW SPECIFICATION September 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "BTEC 1 NQF Level 3 BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design INTRODUCING THE NEW SPECIFICATION September 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 BTEC 1 NQF Level 3 BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design INTRODUCING THE NEW SPECIFICATION September 2007

2 BTEC 2 Major Changes 1.Change to Programme title 2.Levels within the qualification 3.Final Major Project (FMP) units 4.Changes of unit title 5.Changes to Grading Criteria

3 BTEC 3 Levels within the qualification Exploratory Stage: 3 x 60 glh units at L3 Pathway Stage: 4 x 60 glh units at L3 Confirmatory Stage: 2 x integrated 90glh units at L4

4 BTEC 4 Final Major Project (FMP) Confirmatory Stage remains the same – Units 8 and 9 GLH and level changed Statement of Intent (SOI) still a mandatory requirement Revised (SOI) Revised grading criteria taken directly from the unit specification Centre and student friendly language

5 BTEC 5 Changes to Units Increased unit rationale Criteria Assessment evidence Content Titles

6 BTEC 6 Changes to Grading Criteria Rationalisation of all unit grading criteria Follows NQF qualification profile User friendly Clarity for FMP unit grading

7 BTEC 7 National Grading Profile for FAD 2006/7 47% Pass 33% Merit 20% Distinction Source: Benchmarking data published annually

8 BTEC 8 Edexcel Contacts Customer Service Team 0870 240 9800 Tricia Burton Qualification Manager 0207 190 4940

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