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Golden Eagle By: Austin Berens and Zachary Dwarka.

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Presentation on theme: "Golden Eagle By: Austin Berens and Zachary Dwarka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Golden Eagle By: Austin Berens and Zachary Dwarka

2 Antomy 33 to 38 inches tall. The color of the feathers are gold and brown.

3 Diet Golden Eagles are carnivores and eat things such as rabbits, foxes, and much more.

4 Habitat They live in forests.

5 Enemies Their enemies are men,bears,and coyotes

6 Range They live in western USA.

7 Reproduction They mate then the mother lays 1-4 eggs.

8 Protection They use their claws to protect themselves.

9 Interesting Facts They start mating at four years old. They have feathers on their legs. They can dive at 180 MPH

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