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DO NOW 1.Get out your calendar 2.Get out your Abiotic & Biotic HW & your biome notes (from Friday) 3.Turn in your Biomes of the world assignment 4.Which.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW 1.Get out your calendar 2.Get out your Abiotic & Biotic HW & your biome notes (from Friday) 3.Turn in your Biomes of the world assignment 4.Which."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW 1.Get out your calendar 2.Get out your Abiotic & Biotic HW & your biome notes (from Friday) 3.Turn in your Biomes of the world assignment 4.Which biome is characterized by coniferous trees, long cold winters, moderate precipitation, and poor soil?

2 Ecology vs. Environment Ecology – Study of the interactions between organisms and their environment Environment – Physical properties (biotic & abiotic) in an area

3 Ecology Levels of Organisation Organism – individual





8 Life on Earth Depends 1. FLOW OF ENERGY is one way 2. NUTRIENTS are continuously recycled. 3. GRAVITY helps to hold the atmosphere and helps the movement of matter downward for cycling.

9 Ecosystem Biotic Living Lived before Can be dead Can be parts of living things Abiotic Nonliving Have never lived Are not dead Are not parts of living things

10 What are the major living components of ecosystems? Producers – make their own food through PHOTOSYNTHESIS (converting light energy into sugars)

11 What are the major living components of ecosystems? Consumers - obtain energy through consuming other organisms or remains

12 What are the major living components of ecosystems? Herbivores – eat only plants or plant products Examples – grasshoppers, mice, rabbits, beavers, moose, cows, sheep

13 What are the major living components of ecosystems? Carnivore – eat only other animals Examples – foxes, frogs, snakes, hawks, lions, spiders

14 What are the major living components of ecosystems? Omnivore – eat animals and plants Examples - bears, turtles, monkeys, squirrels

15 What are the major living components of ecosystems?

16 Scavenger – eats dead or decaying matter (plants or animals) Examples – cockroaches, turkey vulture, opossum, crow

17 What are the major living components of ecosystems? Detritus Feeders – eats partially decomposed plants and animals Examples – beetles, ants, termites

18 What are the major living components of ecosystems? Decomposers – eat dead material and break it down into chemical parts Examples – bacteria and fungi

19 Food Chains A food chain links species by their feeding relationships. A food chain follows the connection between one producer and a single chain of consumers within an ecosystem.

20 Food Chain Rules Arrows show energy flow Arrows always point toward the organism that EATS the other organism

21 Food Webs Made up of multiple food chains Shows all of the feeding relationships in an ecosystem

22 Trophic Levels Producer – makes own food Primary Consumer – eats producers Secondary Consumer – eats primary consumers Tertiary Consumer – eats secondary consumers Quaternary Consumers – eats tertiary consumers


24 Food Webs

25 Energy Pyramid A graphical representation of the feeding relationships in an ecosystem Shows how energy moves through an ecosystem

26 Trophic Levels Only 10% of the energy moves to the next level in the pyramid

27 Food Web


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