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Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 3 Grade 7. amity In public, the siblings appeared to live in perfect amity, but behind closed doors, they fought incessantly.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 3 Grade 7. amity In public, the siblings appeared to live in perfect amity, but behind closed doors, they fought incessantly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 3 Grade 7

2 amity In public, the siblings appeared to live in perfect amity, but behind closed doors, they fought incessantly.

3 Amity Noun - friendship

4 cater The restaurant caters to families by offering discounted children’s meals.

5 cater Verb – to supply what is needed or desired, especially support or food.

6 guise The waiter maintains a guise of friendliness with his customers in order to get a big tip.

7 guise Noun – a false appearance

8 inconsequential The decision has been made, so any advice now will be inconsequential.

9 inconsequential Adjective – of little or no importance; irreleva404 Rt. 17 North Paramus, NJ 07652nt; without consequence

10 jubilant The jubilant student smiled all day after getting a perfect score on her lengthy term paper.

11 Jubilant Adjective – joyous, especially because of success

12 placate The manager tried to placate the angry customer by reducing the bill.

13 Placate Verb – to calm; to pacify

14 preclude Having a criminal record precludes a teaching career.

15 preclude Verb – to prevent

16 repress The dictator represses dissenters with threats of imprisonment.

17 repress Verb – to hold back or put down with force; to suppress

18 Saturate The heavy rains saturated the soil.

19 saturate Verb – to fill or soak to capacity

20 Slake The exhausted worker slaked his thirst by downing two glasses of lemonade. Seeing someone else make the same mistake slaked his embarrassment.

21 slake Verb – to satisfy; to quench To make less intense

22 sortie The fighter jet was riddled with bullet holes after the sortie. The colonel ordered an immediate sortie to stall the enemy’s offensive.

23 Sortie Noun – a flight of a combat aircraft on a mission An armed attack, especially against surrounding enemy forces.

24 Succumb After weeks of constant bombing, the enemy finally succumbed to our overwhelming force.

25 Succumb Verb – to submit reluctantly; to yield

26 tranquil Lonnie looked forward to a tranquil day of gardening in the back yard.

27 tranquil Adjective – calm; peaceful

28 venomous Go to the hospital if that venomous spider bites you. His venomous remarks shocked everyone in the room.

29 Venomous Adjective – poisonous Intentionally harmful; malevolent

30 Wrest Citizens wrested the dagger from the madman on the subway.

31 wrest Verb – to obtain through force, usually by twisting and turning violently

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