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UNDERSTANDING OF CITIZENSHIP From Ottoman Empire to EU Process of Turkey.

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1 UNDERSTANDING OF CITIZENSHIP From Ottoman Empire to EU Process of Turkey

2 Citizenship is a relationship between government and people and their rights, responsibilities and duties.

3 Citizenship of Ottoman Empire until the Second Constitutionalism was mostly about the ideology of “Ottoman”.

4 In 1908 the Second Constitutionalism aimed to be a central country and they became as a society from a community for the first time in order to make citizenship appear.

5 With the following regime changes as a democracy “ideology of Ottoman” left its place to ideology of “Turkish” and because of this citizenship became more national.

6 Citizenship In Ottoman Empire Citizenship Until the First Constitutionalism Citizenship during the Ottoman Empire was mostly about “Ideology of Ottoman”, Ottoman citizenship; refers to a loyalty scheme beyond the specific identity of the people living within empire.

7 The “İdeology of Ottoman” had been adopted because they believed: “If both societies participate in politics equally the rebels who were against the Ottoman Empire would be destroyed. This would guarantee the continuation of the country.“ Until the French Revolution this ideology had been successful, but after the French Revolution “İdeology of Nationalism” failed.

8 1) Government ensured citizens life, property and conscience. 2) Justice in Judging: “No one will be put to death without judging.“ 3) Justice in taxes. 4) Men will be obligated to devote 4 years to army service. 5) Bribery became forbidden by law. 6) Property Rights: “Everyone can own property and bequeath it.“

9 Reform Edict in 1856 aims to give some rights to non-Muslims in order to increase loyalty amongst whose who were rebelling because of the effect of the French Revolution. The reason they did it was because of the pressure from European Countries because they were provoking Balkan Societies to rebel against the reign of Ottoman Empire and it was dangerous to Ottoman Empire.

10 Citizenship in Second Constitutionalism Second Constitutionalism is about the evolution from community to society. With this evolution public understanding the term “CITIZEN” appeared..

11 With these values the second Constitutionalism brought justice became more important. The main Duties of Citizens were: Obey the laws, join army for 4 years(for men), and pay your taxes. These duties standardized the tasks of people and also brought more equal citizenship.

12 After the lost of the Balkan Wars “Ittıhat ve Terakki” the“Ideology of Ottoman (Turkish-Müslim) failed, so they decided to support “Ideology of Turk(Only Turkish), thus they understood “Ittıhad-ı Anasır Politic” which meant keeping different societies together which was till then nothing but an impossible dream.

13 Second Constitutionalism’s understanding of citizenship means being member of an organic whole.. Country was a common home and citizens are its sons. This period created a “New human profile” which made more sense. The most important point of development of Ottoman Citizenship was: Ittıhat ve Terakki that took the first steps to “National Citizenship.” Yet, it still had not been nationalized to create cizitinship within a geography and just then it developed simultaneously and coordinated with the creation of national concern.

14 3. NATIONAL STRUGGLE Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, avoided telling this identification of Turkish Society. He preferred calling the country Turkey and the people Turkish” during Independence War in order to separate “blood and race” away from citizenship and make “land and country” closer.

15 In his following decisions he put his ideas into the law: “From now every person living in this land is a Turkish Citizen without stipulating its religion and race.” By doing this he emphasized “Citizenship is not based on race or religion.”

16 A new ideology “Halkçılık” (populasim), social revolution. With this ideology, Turkish Society became classless, without concessions and more united. He emphasized Turkish Society is not formed from classes, instead it is formed from different groups of occupations. Populism was aimed to transfer the political power to citizenship. Kemalism moved the orientation of political power towards the best interest of the "general public."

17 IV. Citizenship in Period of Republic 1. Citizenship in Early Years The new country's Constitution: In the first article it says “Citizens have the sovereignty without any arguments and gives all the strengths to Turkish Grand Assembly.

18 With Atatürk’s move to Samsun they published “Amasya Circular” and with following congress (Erzurum-Sivas) Turkish Grand Assembly became stronger. In all the laws that Turkish Grand Assembly legislated they were structured on National Willpower.

19 In this period the people of the Turkish land were brought together. The reason they did this was to stop dividing people over such things such as racism.

20 With establishingTurkish Republic and “Ideology of Atatürk” a modern national identification was been built.

21 Article 88 of 1924: The people of Turkey, without distinction of race or religion, is a “Turk” shall be the term of citizenship. Those who were born from a Turkish father in or outside of Turkey, or those who were born in Turkey from a foreign father and live in Turkey and reach a teenage age, obtained Turkish citizenship and given the title: Turk. Citizenship means the acceptance by secular and have attempted to show that the adoption of modern citizenship.

22 Article 88 of the 1924 Constitution "Turkey as Turkish citizenship are without community, religious and racial differences Itlaians will be "called for by the Ottoman era civic institutions regulations in the "sultan's subjects dependence" accustomed meet challenges were left behind. Now at the constitutional level "citizenship" means the acceptance by secular and have attempted to show that the adoption of modern citizenship.

23 2. One-Party Period Citizenship. The period from 1923-1950,was a time that established a new nation, the state and the nation in terms of membership. During this period instead of rights, they emphasised duties. Although in practice, contemporary, modern and secular adoption encouraged citizens to adopt such an identity. During this period, the confrontation with the Ottoman period because of factors such as Islam and Ottomanism has been meticulously removed.

24 3. Multi-party period citizenship Remove the single-party period of citizenship, a transformation in 1950 have had a new citizenship qualifications as determined by the civilized and virtuous human being aimed to switch to understanding.

25 . The 1961 Constitution of citizenship becme very detailed. In the first paragraph of Article 54 it said "connected with citizenship of the Turkish State Anyone who "is said to be in Turkey

26 The 1961 Constitution and later the Constitution of 1982 said "Turkish or anyone connected with the bond of citizenship to Turkish State" provision, the Constitutional Court is considered to be a brought principles to bring equality in terms of individual human rights. The issue of the Constitutional Court In a decision about which prevents the recognition of any ethnic group who privilege the nation this policy, emphasized that a unified and integrated basis; where "Turkishness" as meaning a reputation based on race, it was stated that mean citizenship and national identity of citizens from all backgrounds.

27 IV. THE RESULT. Through the adventures of citizenship from the Ottoman Empire to the present day When we examine, in fact, never the cause of the major assets of citizenship; namely, that they were never really emphasised the link between the state and the individual, only used to reinforce the concept of citizenship state ideology was found to be a vehicle.

28 This is the biggest obstacle on the subject, state, or enter into an effort to really plant democracy in any period of the management team that they are doing just had democracy. The failure of democracy so far has been a state party that holds the most important reason for understanding

29 Important steps were taken in by the Republic of Turkey in the EU process about citizenship.

30 Having the death penalty removed in Turkey, The adoption of the re-trial in accordance with European Court of Human Rights' decision, Making changes in the status of the National Security Council

31 Anti-terrorism law's and associated laws and law of meetings and demonstrations had changed and limitations have been reduced. Minority foundations' acquisition of immovable obstacles has been removed. With this package, political prohibitions are reduced. In addition, changes were made to the law about torture can not be converted in the fines or can not be postponed.

32 . With these changes, every citizen of the Turkish Republic had equal rights.

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