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Week 18 Word Study Grade 7. What do the following roots mean? dyna, dynamo forc, fort potvali, valu What words include these roots?

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Presentation on theme: "Week 18 Word Study Grade 7. What do the following roots mean? dyna, dynamo forc, fort potvali, valu What words include these roots?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 18 Word Study Grade 7

2 What do the following roots mean? dyna, dynamo forc, fort potvali, valu What words include these roots?

3 What do the following roots mean? dyna, dynamo= forc, fort=pot=vali, valu= powerstrongpowerstrength, worth What words include these roots? dynamicfortifyomnipotentvalid dynamofortitudepotentvalor dynastyvalorous

4 dynamic (adj.) full of energy and forcefulness; related to energy or power Example: Chris’s dynamic video soon had the whole audience on its feet clapping.

5 dynamo(noun) an energetic, hard-working person Example: The job needs a real dynamo who is willing to put a lot of time and energy into the project.

6 dynasty (n) a succession of rulers Example: The Ming dynasty ruled China for three hundred years.

7 fortify (verb) to make stronger Example: They fortified the sea wall with large boulders.

8 fortitude (noun) – courage; endurance of pain or misfortune Example: The climber’s attempt to reach the summit of Mount Everest showed great fortitude.

9 omnipotent (adj.) all-powerful; having great or unlimited power Example: The omnipotent ruler made all decisions and had authority in all matters.

10 potent (adj.) might; powerful; having great authority Example: The hurricane was potent, destroying everything in its path.

11 valid (adj.) sound or just because it is based on legal principles or sound evidence Example: I gave the teacher a valid excuse for not having my homework, but she still gave me a zero.

12 valor (n): bravery; courage; fearlessness Example: Because of his valor in battle, the town gave a parade in his honor.

13 valorous (adj.) brave; courageous Example: He received a medal of honor for his valorous conduct.

14 General Vocabulary calculate (verb) – to figure, tally, work out, often mathematically for an amount or number of something Example: Calculate the amount of students who have earned a 75% or higher on the vocabulary quiz.

15 General Vocabulary navigate (verb) – plan and direct the route or course of a ship, aircraft, or other form of transportation, especially by using instruments or maps. Example: After viewing the tutorial, I was able to navigate my way through the PARCC practice test.

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