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Japan and Korea Relations David Lynge Banele Magarira #14.

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Presentation on theme: "Japan and Korea Relations David Lynge Banele Magarira #14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japan and Korea Relations David Lynge Banele Magarira #14

2 Historical Relationship Japan and Korea have had cultural interactions for over 1,500 years. They’ve had direct political contact for almost as long. Their relationship in the past has been tense.

3 History In 1910 the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty made Korea a part of Japan's territory. After WWII when Japan was defeated, the United States claimed administration over Korea. Since 1948 South and North Korea have been independent countries.

4 Present Day Conflicts continue to exist between Japan and the Koreas. In the early 2000s their relationship weakened when the Japanese prime minister visited the Yasukuni Shrine. Disputes remain over islands between the countries.

5 Conclusion Korea and Japan have gotten along in the past but have gone through some bumpy roads. Both countries share a similar culture but there are still differences. Despite each country being economically reliant on one another animosity still exists.

6 Work Cited A. Cossa, Ralph. "Japan-South Korea Relations: Time to Open Both Eyes." Council on Foreign Relations Press, n.d. Web. 3 Feb 2014.. Fackler, Martin, and Choe Sang-Hun. "A Growing Chill Between South Korea and Japan Creates Problems for the U.S.." The New York Times, 23 Nov 2013. Web. 3 Feb 2014..

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