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Teasing and Harassment are NO joke! Autrey Mill Middle School wants to put an end to harassment………..

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Presentation on theme: "Teasing and Harassment are NO joke! Autrey Mill Middle School wants to put an end to harassment……….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teasing and Harassment are NO joke! Autrey Mill Middle School wants to put an end to harassment………..

2 7 th graders know the definitions: Teasing or harassment is any mean or harmful behavior that is done on purpose. Teasing or harassment is behavior that continues EVEN after the instigator has been asked to stop.

3 What are the types of teasing and harassment ? Verbal Abuse: teasing,name- calling,mocking,taunting,and put downs. Ex. “You’re stupid.”

4 Emotional bullying……. Isolation, rejection, ignoring, spreading rumors, and manipulating others. Ex. “Did you hear what happened at the party Saturday night?”

5 Physical harassment…….. Hitting, tripping, kicking, pushing, slapping, spitting, choking, taking or defacing another’s property, slamming lockers, stealing food, “play fighting”, and physical acts that demean and humiliate.

6 Other types of teasing/harassment: Harassment: making threats, extortion, coercion, and ethnic, racial, and religious taunting. Electronic harassment: Behaviors that occur via the Internet or on cell phones. Ex. “Did you see his Facebook page? Whoa…those pictures…and those comments.”

7 Sexual harassment: This is a specific form of harassment directed toward someone’s gender or behavior. This type of harassment can be verbal, emotional, or physical. Ex: “That’s so gay.” “He fights like a girl.”

8 What if you are being harassed?? Ignore it. Be funny. Walk away. Stand up for yourself. Get help from friends. Get help from an adult. DO NOT tease or make remarks back.

9 What if you see someone being harassed? Don’t encourage the behavior. Help the person stand up for himself. Make sure the instigator knows what he/she is doing is NOT funny and NOT o.k. Talk to the victim about reporting the harassment. Report the problem yourself.

10 Reasons NOT to tease/harass… It is NEVER okay. How would you feel if you were the target? You don’t have the right to hurt others. You will stay out of trouble People will like you because you are nice! Teasing/harassment is against the law in the state of Georgia.

11 How AMMS handles teasing and harassment….. 1 st offense = discussion and possible consequences with teacher. 2 nd offense = Counseling referral. 3 rd offense and any problems thereafter = office referral with consequences that go on your permanent record.

12 Do you have any questions? IF you have any questions after this presentation, please see Mrs. Shiver, Mr. Shearer, or one of your teachers. YOU are now responsible for remembering this material and following the school related rules. Reminders can be found in your student agenda and in the Fulton County discipline handbook.

13 Teasing and Harassment ARE serious concerns at Autrey Mill Middle School! Presentation to 7 th grade students By: Lyn Shiver, Counselor Guidance Program 2009-2010.


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