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For this exam you must learn how to apply virtue ethics to an ethical dilemma. You can pick any ethical dilemma you wish except for the issues in science.

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Presentation on theme: "For this exam you must learn how to apply virtue ethics to an ethical dilemma. You can pick any ethical dilemma you wish except for the issues in science."— Presentation transcript:


2 For this exam you must learn how to apply virtue ethics to an ethical dilemma. You can pick any ethical dilemma you wish except for the issues in science and technology. These include: –cloning –Genetic engineering –Animal/human testing –Human rights

3 The difficulty is that the theory is concerned with more than actions. It is concerned with the character of the individual. You must look at the upbringing, education and behaviour of people on a day-to-day basis. To look at a moral dilemma is to miss a crucial element of the work of the theory. However, it is though that good actions come from the virtuous person.

4 We must identify the scenario. We must take virtue in its wider context. Virtue ethics is relativist so we should consider each scenario differently. Therefore, we need to create a scenario and apply virtue ethics to the scenario.

5 1.Who are the moral agents 2.What would be the most virtuous thing to do – considering a number of virtues. 3.What sort of characteristics should they be demonstrating 4.Is the act for good for them or society? 5.Would certain options encourage bad or good habits if chosen? 6.Are there conflicting virtues – does one option reflect one virtue and another ? 7.To what extent are your conclusions dependent on agreement about what virtues should be? 8.Does the conclusions seem unreasonable / reasonable? We have to consider for this scenario

6 What is the scenario? 1

7 Who are the moral agents? 2

8 What would be the most virtuous thing to do – considering a number of virtues. 3

9 Is it good for them or good for society? 4

10 Would certain actions encourage good or bad habits? 5

11 Are there conflicting virtues – does one option reflect one virtue and another? 6

12 To what extent are your conclusions dependent on agreement about what virtues should be? 7

13 Are the conclusions reasonable? 8

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