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Md. Rabiul Islam. (B.A.B.ED) Senior Teacher. Dhalsa payari H. O.F.Dak. Mad. Khayerpur, Mirpur, Kushtia, Bangladesh. Class-08 Sub: English 2 nd paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Md. Rabiul Islam. (B.A.B.ED) Senior Teacher. Dhalsa payari H. O.F.Dak. Mad. Khayerpur, Mirpur, Kushtia, Bangladesh. Class-08 Sub: English 2 nd paper."— Presentation transcript:



3 Md. Rabiul Islam. (B.A.B.ED) Senior Teacher. Dhalsa payari H. O.F.Dak. Mad. Khayerpur, Mirpur, Kushtia, Bangladesh. Class-08 Sub: English 2 nd paper. (Unit 11). Special sub: Degrees of Comparison. Date:1/1/16

4 1.speak the Degrees of Comparison. 2.tell the forms of Degree. 3. explain formation of Comparatives& Superlatives.

5 Sheikh Mojubur Rahman is the greatest leader of Bangladesh. 1.Which is the word greatest ? 2. Which is the word great ?

6 Answer. 1.Superlative Degree. 2.Positive Degree.


8 Read the following sentences: a) My teacher Mr. Delwar is a Wise man. b) Mr. Delwar is wiser than any other teacher. c) The great Prophet (sm) is the wisest of all other teachers.

9 An adjective expresses the qualify of a Noun. Bu the quality is graded like the adjectives in sentences a, b, c, (wise, wiser, wisest).These forms or grades ae known as the Degrees of Comparison. An adjective expresses the qualify of a Noun. Bu the quality is graded like the adjectives in sentences a, b, c, (wise, wiser, wisest).These forms or grades ae known as the Degrees of Comparison. Degree Positive Degree Comparative degree Superlative Degree

10 a ) A positive degree takes ‘as……….as’ / so………as when it is compared. Mr. Mohammad is not as old as Mr. Malek. b) ‘Than’ is used after the comparative degree of the quality of ‘a noun’. Mr. Malek is older than Mr. Mohammad c) Some latin comparatives junor, senior, inferior, prefer take ‘to’ for ‘than’ as- He is senior to me. d)Superlative degree is preceded by ‘the’ ‘of ‘ or ‘in’ follows it. e)Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) is the greatest prophet in the world. a ) A positive degree takes ‘as……….as’ / so………as when it is compared. Mr. Mohammad is not as old as Mr. Malek. b) ‘Than’ is used after the comparative degree of the quality of ‘a noun’. Mr. Malek is older than Mr. Mohammad c) Some latin comparatives junor, senior, inferior, prefer take ‘to’ for ‘than’ as- He is senior to me. a ) A positive degree takes ‘as……….as’ / so………as when it is compared. Mr. Mohammad is not as old as Mr. Malek. b) ‘Than’ is used after the comparative degree of the quality of ‘a noun’. Mr. Malek is older than Mr. Mohammad d)Superlative degree is preceded by ‘the’ ‘of ‘ or ‘in’ follows it. e)Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) is the greatest prophet in the world. c) Some latin comparatives junor, senior, inferior, prefer take ‘to’ for ‘than’ as- He is senior to me. a ) A positive degree takes ‘as……….as’ / so………as when it is compared. Mr. Mohammad is not as old as Mr. Malek. b) ‘Than’ is used after the comparative degree of the quality of ‘a noun’. Mr. Malek is older than Mr. Mohammad

11 i)All monosyllable & some dissyllable adjectives take – ‘er’ to from their Comparatives & est/st to form their superlative degrees. Formation of Comparatives & Superlatives PositiveComparativeSuperlative blackblackerblackest bravebraverbravest simplesimplersimplest wisewiserwisest youngyoungeryoungest

12 Activites-01 (individual work): 1.Below words interchange Comparatives & Superlatives: Few, fair, large, quick, strong. 1.Below words interchange Comparatives & Superlatives: Few, fair, large, quick, strong.

13 ii) If a one syllable adjective ends in a vowel + consonant, the consonant becomes double when er/est is added iii) If a one syllable adjective ends in consonant +y, the ‘y’, is changed into ‘i’ when ‘er/est’ is added for Comparative & Superlative. PositiveComparativeSuperlative bigbiggerbiggest thinthinnerthinnest Positivecomparativesuperlative busybusierbusiest hungryhungrierhungriest iv) But vowel+ y is not changed into ier/ ist. Grey greyer greyest

14 Pair WORK: Pair WORK: Actives-02 Pair Work : 2.Below words interchange Comparatives & Superlatives: Fit, hot, red, lovely, ugly. 2.Below words interchange Comparatives & Superlatives: Fit, hot, red, lovely, ugly. Actives-02

15 v) Adjectives more than two syllables form their comparatives/superlatives by adding ‘more’ to the comparative form & ‘most’ in the superlative. PositiveComparativeSuperlative ActiveMore activeMost active BeautifulMore beautifulMost beautiful

16 vi) The following adjectives follow no rules but form their comparative & superlative degrees irregularly PositiveComparativeSuperlative badworseworst littleLess/lesserleast

17 3.Below words interchange Comparatives & Superlatives: Fore, good, in, many/much, old, out, up: Activities -03 (group work) 3.Below words interchange Comparatives & Superlatives: Fore, good, in, many/much, old, out, up. Activities -03 (group work)


19 4. Below words interchange Comparatives & Superlatives: Dear, fair, soft, sad, fit, lovely, easy, dutiful, generous Interesting, obedient, in, far.:


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