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FASHION. Fashion FASHION When in Africa, she adopted a baby boy who lost his parents in civil war. adopt (v.)

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2 Fashion









11 When in Africa, she adopted a baby boy who lost his parents in civil war. adopt (v.)

12 Unlike others, life in a village doesn’t really appeal to me as it is very difficult. appeal (v.)

13 At the workshop today, we learned to bind pieces of paper to make a handmade notebook. bind (v.)

14 Lions are the dominant species of the jungle. dominant (adj.)

15 The robbers stole €5.000.000 worth jewelry from the museum yesterday. jewelry(n.)

16 Many young people like to do outdoor sports in their leisure time. leisure (n.)

17 WhatsApp is the most popular application to send instant messages for free. message (n.)

18 Governments should spend more money on education than on military to be internationally strong. military (n.)

19 Since he was new in the street, he felt like an outsider while he was at the park for the first time. outsider (n.)

20 The four men who bombed the subway station were sent to prison. prison (n.)

21 The police restricted entry to the crime scene as they had not finished collecting evidence yet. restrict (v.)

22 What? €750 for a sweatshirt? I can buy a car for that money! sweatshirt (n.)

23 In the past, torn jeans meant that you didn’t have enough money to buy another pair. torn (adj.)

24 With all the tattoos on his body, he thinks he is tough but many people think he is ugly. tough (adj.)

25 School uniforms used to be black in my childhood. Believe me, they were not so cool! uniform (n.)


27 adopt (v.)

28 appeal (v.)

29 bind (v.)

30 dominant (adj.)

31 jewelry (n.)

32 leisure (n.)

33 message (n.)

34 military (n.)

35 outsider (n.)

36 prison (n.)

37 restrict (v.)

38 sweatshirt (n.)

39 torn (adj.)

40 tough (adj.)

41 uniform (n.)

42 Word Formation

43 WORD FORMATION VerbNounAdjective adopt appeal dominant prison restrict torn

44 VerbNounAdjective adoptadoptionadopted appeal dominant prison restrict torn

45 VerbNounAdjective adoptadoptionadopted appealappealappealing dominant prison restrict torn

46 VerbNounAdjective adoptadoptionadopted appealappealappealing dominatedominationdominant prison restrict torn

47 VerbNounAdjective adoptadoptionadopted appealappealappealing dominatedominationdominant imprisonprisonimprisonment restrict torn

48 VerbNounAdjective adoptadoptionadopted appealappealappealing dominatedominationdominant imprisonprisonimprisonment restrictrestrictionrestrictive torn

49 VerbNounAdjective adoptadoptionadopted appealappealappealing dominatedominationdominant imprisonprisonimprisonment restrictrestrictionrestrictive tearteartorn


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