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Workbased Learners in Further Education - WoLF By Palitha Edirisingha and Sahm Nikoi.

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Presentation on theme: "Workbased Learners in Further Education - WoLF By Palitha Edirisingha and Sahm Nikoi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workbased Learners in Further Education - WoLF By Palitha Edirisingha and Sahm Nikoi

2 Background  Collaborative project between Leicester College and the University of Leicester.  Started in March 2007 and is expected to be completed in December 2008.  Higher Education (HE) in Further Education (FE) project  Investigate how Pocket PCs support portfolio development by teaching assistants (TAs) on foundation degree programme in education

3 Project Objectives  Produce a comprehensive literature review on use of PDAs in the work based learning context  Develop a pedagogical model and proof of concept which is transferable to different work based learning context  Develop resources for practitioners for designing reflective learning activities based on work-based learning scenarios  Develop guidelines for integrating the use of pocket PCs into work-based learning setting into institutional VLEs

4 Research Design  Research approach –Ethnographic –Action research  Sample size –5 third year teaching assistants –8 second year teaching assistants –11 first year teaching assistants  Data gathering –One-to-one Interviews –Classroom teaching observation –Auditing Moodle activities –Focus Group  Data analysis –Inductive –Cognitive mapping

5 Key Issues  Pedagogy: Learning structure, learning style, affordances of learning spaces, self efficacy  Support: Self help, staff help, student help, spouse help  Ethical: Parental consent, use of public spaces

6 Key benefits  Student –Knowledge repository –Memory aid –Collaborative learning –Evidence of learning  Staff –Evidence for assessment –Providing individual feedback

7 Key challenges  Implementation –Institutional cultures –Communication with students –Motivation of students  Use – Usability :Screen size, keyboard, battery life, navigation – Access : Physical Access to PCs & Psychological access linked to competence and confidence factors – Security :Ownership, Insurance, Theft, Virus, Losing

8 Institutional issues  ICT policies –Email –Internet  Services –Level of support –Staff  System –Availability of technology –Accessibility e.g. wireless networks –Communication cost

9  Sustainable of the approach?

10  Expansion through further funding

11  Getting more innovative

12 Thank you.

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