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1 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Ship Spectrometer Tracker MFL on behalf of SHiP Spectrometer Tracker group R&D activities:

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Presentation on theme: "1 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Ship Spectrometer Tracker MFL on behalf of SHiP Spectrometer Tracker group R&D activities:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Ship Spectrometer Tracker MFL on behalf of SHiP Spectrometer Tracker group R&D activities: –Test beam, North area –Dubna: larger diameter straws Simulation: –FairSHiP, evolution of geometry –Garfield++ Brainstorming (to he or not to he) –other technologies ? For analysis results of first testbeam in 2015, see Katerina & Valdimir’s talk (BTW, Polytech St Petersburg applying to become associate of SHiP)

2 2 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Detector R&D: Test beam Goal: measure drift time distributions (incl. efficiency) with well defined tracks and with known wire-vs-straw offset. Variable parameters: straw-wire offset, HV, gas pressure Set up a tracker telescope to define tracks with <~100um vertical precision on DUT (device under study) –Now using ITEP delay wire chambers (kindly provided by Pavel Shatalov), 4 chambers instead of 3 DUT = a few straws (not necessarily 5m) with controlled and optically measured wire offset –start with single straw of 5m System to measure independently the straw-wire offset

3 3 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Detector R&D: Test beam 2016 Got two weeks in H2 zone, end of July - start of Aug, to be shared with other SHiP detectors –nice thing: we can enter the zone freely already start of July (NA61) Parasitic area at H2 dump, already moved there –will use it mostly June - Oct Setup: (Single) long or short straw Install an optical system to monitor wire-straw offset –parts/components ordered –mechanical design / assembly => ITEP, Alexander Semennikov Use 4 DWCs (instead of 3), –Optional: if resolution of DWCs turns out to be marginal, possibility to collaborate with an external group with a Si telescope (10cm x 10cm x 8 strip planes, 180 um pitch)

4 4 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Detector R&D: test beam area Moved Feb 17 H2 zone H2B bottles 1B79 dump Early july

5 5 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Detector R&D: test beam schedule 2016 parasitic possible with access to H2D SHiP dedicated beam time more parasitic ? exact beam conditions for parasitic periods are yet to be checked

6 6 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Detector R&D: the setup (almost complete) 1 rack bottles will be in 1B79 (just above the dump, on the pathway) two plastic tubes pulled to rack (re-usable also for inside H2) SPS North Hall H8 line SPS North Hall H2 line 17 Feb

7 7 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Detector R&D: Optical setup Alex Semennikov (ITEP) Pavel Shatalov (ITEP) Iouri Guz (Protvino) straw edges 30 um wire 10mm Camera: dino-lite AM7515MZTL, 5Mpx, Long-Working Distance, Mag 10-140xdino-lite AM7515MZTL Laboratory tests with digital camera Dino-Lite AM7515MZTL validated the feasibility of measuring the position of the wire inside a straw. Standard software includes suitable tools for online measurement of distances. Mechanical support for the camera with adjustable carriage is under construction.

8 8 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Detector R&D: Fast amplifier for 5m straw tube PCB design is ready 5 pilot boards produced 2 amplifiers assembeld for beam test Sensitivity: 6 mV/fQ Rise time : 7 nsec Preamp circuit design by Vladimir Vaniev, IHEP Protvino PCB design and assembly by Anatoli Zhokhov, ITEP.

9 9 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Detector R&D: sketch of foreseen setup + VME DAQ 55 Fe source Floating nAmeter Pressure-meter etc... Trig scint Time scint DUT (straw) camera beam DWC

10 10 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Detector R&D: larger diameter straws developments from Dubna (Temur Enik, Sergej Movchan) –Will first produce short «toy» straws of 20 & 30mm with Al tube. considering order of small roll of Cu+Au coated 36um PET –needs decision on dimensions (width of cutting) –Diameters: 10, 20 & 30mm … or ?

11 11 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Simulation: evolution (top view) SHiP volume What about SST ? 5m 2.5m 4.5m 5m it is assumed that the magnet gap remains flat (parallel)

12 12 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Simulation: SST proper, work ahead Stereo angle optimization Straw diameter studies –Garfield++ –SST performance (tracking & vertexing) T_zero treatment Realistic signal description Digitization Misalignments, distortions –How much wire offset can we cope with ? –How many holding points needed along X ?

13 13 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Simulation: Garfield => Garfield++ Daniil Sukhonos (master student), Oleg Bezshyyko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

14 14 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi And now, for your entertainment …

15 15 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Brainstorm: to he or not to he… If decay volume = vacuum –vacuum/gas barrier over large surface area –straw option seems to be the best technology If decay volume = 1 atm Helium –Other technologies could compete with straw option –TPC  Different geometries possible –Drift / wire chamber Groups welcome to undertake study to compare performance vs straw option

16 16 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Biggest vac chamber ever ? “Materials Testing Accelerator” 25 m long, 18 m diameter

17 17 SHiP collaboration meeting14-Jun-2016CERN Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi News from Astro-H A picture by Hitomi (Astro-H) Hitomi satellite tracking piece 1 piece 2 piece 3 piece 4 piece 5

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