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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 REGRESSION DIAGNOSTICS AND CANONICAL CORRELATION."— Presentation transcript:



3 Testing Regression Assumptions  Prior to Analysis Normal distribution Outliers Linear relationships Multicollinearity

4  Interrelatedness of independent variables  Indications High correlations between variables (.85) Substantial R squared, but statistically insignificant coefficients Unstable regression coefficients Unexpected size of coefficients Unexpected signs (+/-)

5 Measures of Collinearity  Tolerance  Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)  Eigenvalues  Condition Index  Variance Proportions

6 Tolerance  Measure of collinearity  Proportion of variance in a variable that is not accounted for by the other independent variables  Each independent variable is regressed on the other independent variables  High multiple correlation indicates variable is highly related to other independent variables

7 Tolerance  Tolerance equals 1 - Rsquared  Tolerance of 0 (1-1) would indicate perfect collinearity  Tolerance of 0 indicates the independent variable is a perfect linear combination of the other variables  Small tolerances ( <0.1) are indicative of problem with multicollinearity

8 Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)  Reciprocal of tolerance  High tolerance associated with low VIF

9 Eigenvalues  Measure of the cross-product matrix  Finding some eigenvalues that are much larger than others indicates an ill- conditioned data matrix  Ill-conditioned matrix leads to large changes in solution with only small changes in independent and/or dependent variable

10 Condition Index  Square root of the ratios of largest eigenvalue to each successive eigenvalue  >15 indicates possible problem  >30 indicates serious problem

11 Variance Proportions  Proportions of the variance accounted for by each principal component associated with each of the eigenvalues  Collinearity is a problem when a component associated with a high condition index contributes substantially to the variance of two or more variables

12 RESIDUAL  The difference between the actual and the predicted score (Y - Y')

13 Residual Analysis  Normal Distribution  Homoscedasticity

14 Residual Analysis  Normal Distribution of residuals indicates: linear relationships normal distribution of dependent variable for each value of the independent variable  Assessment histogram of standardized residuals probability plot

15 Residual Analysis  Homoscedasticity Plot residuals against predicted values and against independent variables

16 Computer Exercise  What is the multiple correlation of three sets of predictors and overall state of health?  First set = age and years of education  Second set = confidence and life satisfaction  Third Set = smoking history and satisfaction with current weight

17 SPSS - Multiple Regression/Residuals  Statistics  Confidence intervals  R squared change  Descriptives  Part & Partial correlations  Collinearity diagnostics  Residuals Durbin Watson Casewise diagnostics C

18 SPSS - Residual Analysis (cont.)  Options exclude cases pairwise  Plots Histogram Normal probability plot Produce all partial plots

19 Example from the Literature


21  Measures the relationship between a set of independent variables and a set of dependent variables  Method of least squares Two composites  independent variables, "on the left"  dependent variables, "on the right"

22 Canonical Correlation  Type of Data Required Data at all levels may be entered Categorical variables must be coded Continuous variables should meet assumptions

23 Assumptions  Sample must be representative of population  Variables must have normal distribution  Homoscedasticity  Linear relationships

24 CANONICAL CORRELATION  Canonical correlation coefficients  Maximum number equals the number of variables in the smaller set.

25 CANONICAL CORRELATION  Canonical variate  A weighted composite of the variables in a set.  "New" variable

26 CANONICAL CORRELATION  Coefficients Raw Standardized Structure

27 CANONICAL CORRELATION  Raw Coefficients Like b -weights in regression Can be used to calculate predicted scores, based on actual scores

28 CANONICAL CORRELATION  Canonical weights Standard score form Similar to standardized regression coefficients (Betas) Indicate the relative importance of the associated variable Unstable

29 CANONICAL CORRELATION  Structure Coefficients Correlation between the canonical variates and the original variables Loadings of.30 or higher are treated as meaningful Interpreted like loadings in factor analysis Square of the loading is the proportion of variance accounted for

30 WILKS’ LAMBDA  Varies from 0 to 1  Error variance  Equal to 1 - R square  The smaller the value, the greater the variance explained  Tested for significance with Bartlett's test, a chi-square statistic

31 CANONICAL CORRELATION  Redundancy  The higher the redundancy or correlation among a group of variables, the better the ability to predict from one group to another.

32 Example from the Literature

33 CANONICAL CORRELATION  Exercise  What is the canonical correlation between the following two sets of variables? The predictor set includes: age, education, smoking history, depressed state of mind, exercise, and current quality of life. The outcome set includes: positive psychological attitudes and overall state of health.


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