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1Chapter 10: Work and Recreation.  Factors you need to consider in choosing a vocation include :  Motivation and achievement  Attitudes about occupations.

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Presentation on theme: "1Chapter 10: Work and Recreation.  Factors you need to consider in choosing a vocation include :  Motivation and achievement  Attitudes about occupations."— Presentation transcript:

1 1Chapter 10: Work and Recreation

2  Factors you need to consider in choosing a vocation include :  Motivation and achievement  Attitudes about occupations  Abilities  Interests  Values  Self-concept 2Chapter 10: Work and Recreation

3  Realistic  Investigative  Artistic  Social  Enterprising  Conventional Chapter 10: Work and Recreation3

4  Begin by focusing on yourself  Generate alternative solutions  Gather and assess information  Weigh and prioritize your alternatives  Make the decision and formulate a plan  Carry out the decision and get feedback 4Chapter 10: Work and Recreation

5  If you experience discontent in your work, focus on those factors within your job that you can change  Identify ways you can create meaning in your work  If you must remain at an unsatisfying job, find something outside your job that fulfills your need for recognition, significance, productivity, and excitement  Assess whether your attitudes about work help or hinder you in achieving career success 5Chapter 10: Work and Recreation

6  Three types of toxic working conditions are occupational, organizational, and interpersonal  Chronic conflict or abuse from coworkers is not acceptable and should not be tolerated  Employees who view the world through a negative lens are likely to take out their frustrations on coworkers  Abusive supervisors may pose an even more challenging problem than abusive coworkers due to the power inherent in their role Chapter 10: Work and Recreation 6

7  Being aware of career options is a great asset at midlife  Attitudes and fears about changing careers that are left unquestioned and unexamined make change much harder  Both men and women may experience the desire to change career paths in midlife  People who feel stuck in their jobs should ask themselves whether their personal dissatisfaction outweighs the financial rewards 7Chapter 10: Work and Recreation

8  Some retirees may experience a void, feelings of deprivation, and dissatisfaction  Others may become actively involved in recreation, community affairs, volunteer work, or new ventures  Retirees may feel a loss of status over no longer having a professional role  Retirement may need to be delayed due to unanticipated financial hardships that occur later in life 8Chapter 10: Work and Recreation

9  By keeping themselves vital as physical, psychological, spiritual, and social beings, people can view retirement as a new beginning  The five retirement paths are: 1. Continuers 2. Adventurers 3. Searchers 4. Easy gliders 5. Retreaters 9Chapter 10: Work and Recreation

10  Recreation involves creating ourselves anew and is a path to vitality; It requires the ability to let go and experience life  The appropriate balance between work and recreation depends on the needs of the individual  Pursuit of leisure activities is associated with improved physical and cognitive functioning, increased happiness, and greater longevity 10Chapter 10: Work and Recreation

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