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200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 Animal Cells 500 Plant Cells Cells in General Moving In And Out Mixed Bag.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 Animal Cells 500 Plant Cells Cells in General Moving In And Out Mixed Bag."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 Animal Cells 500 Plant Cells Cells in General Moving In And Out Mixed Bag

2 What organelle is the red arrow pointing to?

3 The endoplasmic reticulum

4 How would you describe a mitochondria?

5 It has a rod-like shape and makes the energy for the cell.

6 What are small round structures in cells that break down large food particles into smaller ones and recycle old cell parts called?

7 Lysosomes

8 What is the name and function of the organelle the red arrow is pointing to?

9 It is the nucleolus. It’s job is to produce ribosomes.

10 What is the name of the process animal cells go through to make more of themselves?

11 Mitosis

12 What is the name and function of the organelle the red arrow is pointing to?

13 It is the cell wall. The job of the cell wall is to support and protect the plant cell.

14 What are chloroplasts responsible for in the cell?

15 They use photosynthesis to make food for the cell.

16 There is an organelle missing from this picture of a plant cell. What is it?

17 The chloroplast is missing.

18 Does a plant cell have mitochondria? Why or why not?

19 Yes. Both plant and animal cells have mitochondria. They need to be able to release energy from food.

20 Why do plants wilt and droop?

21 When their vacuoles lose water, they shrink. This causes the whole cell to shrink. When many cells start to shrink, the plant begins to wilt and droop.

22 Where is the cytoplasm located in this picture? A B D C

23 Arrow letter B is pointing to the cytoplasm. A B D C

24 What is the job of the cell membrane?

25 It controls what goes in and out of the cell, maintains the chemical balance of the cell.

26 What is responsible for making a girl’s eyes blue?

27 It would be the chromatin. The chromatin inside the nucleus contains DNA, which are the genetic instructions for a cell.

28 A tiny cell structure that carries out a specifics function within a cell is called what?

29 Organelles

30 Which organelle is the arrow pointing to? What is its function?

31 The Golgi Body. It receives material from outside the cell and gets it ready to be transported in the cell.

32 What is diffusion?

33 Diffusion is the movement of molecules across a membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

34 What is osmosis?

35 It is the movement of WATER molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

36 What is the difference between passive transport and active transport?

37 Passive transport requires no energy but active transport requires the cell to use energy.

38 Name two examples of active transport.

39 Protein transport and Engulfing

40 Look at the picture. What is going on in the cell…passive or active transport? How do you know? Water Molecule Sugar Molecule Cell Membrane

41 This is a picture of passive transport. The sugar can’t move because it is too big to fit through the holes in the cell membrane. The water molecules move from high concentration on the left to low concentration on the right. This is also known as osmosis.

42 What part of a cell has a function that can be compared to our brain? Why?

43 The nucleus. It controls all the functions of the cell just like our brain controls all the functions of our body.

44 What would happen if you put a red blood cell into a beaker of water with a high salt concentration? Why?

45 The red blood cell would shrink. The concentration of water inside the cell would be higher than outside, so the water would move out of the cell causing it to shrink. This is because of osmosis.

46 What does the cell theory state?

47 1. All living things are made of cells. 2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and function. 3. All cells come from existing cells.

48 What two scientists contributed to the cell theory?

49 Anton van Leeuwenhoek Robert Hooke’s microscope (there are no pictures of him)

50 What are three differences between plant cells and animal cells?

51 1. A plant cell has a cell wall and an animal cell does not. Due to the cell wall, a plant cell has a regular shape and an animal cell does not. 2. A plant cell has a chloroplast and an animal cell does not. 3. A plant cell has one large vacuole and an animal cell has a few small vacuoles. 4. An animal cell has lysosomes and plant cells may not.

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