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Medical Math Perform medical mathematical conversions common to the medical/health professions.

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1 Medical Math Perform medical mathematical conversions common to the medical/health professions.

2 Cubic centimeters = cc Millimeters = ml  1 oz = 30 cc or ml  ml and cc are interchangeable.

3  Ted drank 3 oz. of milk, how many cc did he drink?

4 30 X 3 =90 cc or ml  Set it up-  3oz X 30cc  3oz X 30cc = 90cc 1oz 1oz

5 Adam voided 2 oz how many ml did he void?

6 2oz X 30cc = 1oz

7 A nurse had a syringe filled with 10 cc of blood he used.5 ml for a lab test. How much was left?

8 10cc-.5 =

9 If a pt. drank 3 oz of soda and 2 oz of milk, how many cc did she drink?

10 2oz + 3oz = 5 oz 5oz X 30cc = 1 oz 1 oz

11 A male pt. is on intake and output. If he voided 240 cc how many oz. did he void?

12 240cc X 1 oz = 30cc

13 A lab tech measures 30 ml of a urine sample in a 4 oz. container. How many more ml is needed to fill the container.

14 First see how many cc the container is. 4oz X 30cc = 1oz 1oz Next subtract amt of urine that was gather from total amt of containter.

15  150cc – 30cc= 90cc

16 Teaspoons and Tablespoons  One teaspoon (tsp.) = 5 cc or 5 ml = 5 cc or 5 ml  One tablespoon (tbs.) = 15 cc or 15 ml 15 ml

17  If a Dr. ordered a pt. to take 3 teaspoons of a medication how many cc would the pt. take?

18  3 x 5 = 15 cc or ml  How many tablespoons is that?  (15cc/ 15 tbs = 1tbs)

19  If a pt. was to take three teaspoons of Amoxil how many cc/ml would they take?

20  1 tsp = 5cc  3 x 5 = 15cc

21 Check your math… Answer each question then check your answers on next slide. You went to the Dr. and he gave you a prescription for Phenergan 25 mg/5cc. The Dr. wants you to take 25mg how many teaspoons would you take? The doctor ordered the nurse to give an infant 1½ teaspoon of Tylenol. How many cc would you give? Your mother is treating you for a cold and wants to give you Dimetapp. The instructions say to give 22.5 cc and your mother only has a tsp. How many tsp. would she give? On the previous question how many tbs would she give?

22 Answers… Check your answers 15 cc 3 tsp x 5cc = 15 cc 1 tsp 25 mg= 5cc 5cc=1tsp 7.5 cc 1 tsp = 5cc ½ tsp = 2.5cc 5cc + 2.5cc =7.5cc 4 ¼ tsp 5cc=1 tsp 22.5/5=4.5 1 ½ tbs 1 tbs = 15 cc 22.5/15= 1 ½ tbs

23 Weight Check it out….  1 kg or (kilogram) x 2.2 lb (pounds)=lbs  If an infant weights 4.09 kg their weight in lb is: 4.09kg x 2.2lb = 8.998 or 9lbs  1 lbs / 2.2 = kilograms  If an infant weighs 10 lbs how much is that in kg?  10 lbs/2.2=4.54kg

24 Work the math… If an infant weighted 10 lbs at birth and the doctor needs to order medicine and needs to know how much the infant weights in Kg what would you tell him? The doctor orders you to give a toddler Amoxil 10 mgm/cc. The toddler weights 20lbs. The dosage is 10mgm/kg.How much would you give the toddler?

25 Answers….  10lb x.454 kg = 4.54 kg  20lb x.454 kg = 9.08 Kg 10 mgm/kg/cc 10 x 9.08 =90 cc

26 Temperature Conversions  To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius you must use the following formula:  C=(F-32)5/9  Example: Mary’s temperature is 101F and your sister wants to know what that would be in C you would convert it:  C=(101-32)5/9  (101-32= 69 X5=345/9=38.3 C

27 Temperature Conversion  In order to convert Celsius (C) to Fahrenheit (F) you must use the following formula: F= (C)9/5 + 32  For example: Your sister took your nephew to the Doctor and the nurse told her the babies temperature is 38C you tell her the babies temp is _ in Fahrenheit  F=(38C) x9=342/5=68.4 + 32 =100.4F

28 Converting inches to centimeters  One inch= 2.5 centimeters.  If a person has a wound and it is 10 inches in diameter how many inches is it in cm?  10 X 2.5 = 25 cm. The wound is 25 cm in diameter.  If a person has a 15 cm cut on their arm could they cover it with a 2 inch band aide?  15 / 2.5 = 6 inches no they would need three band aides.

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