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American Culture “To study the language and not the culture is to become a fluent fool.”

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Presentation on theme: "American Culture “To study the language and not the culture is to become a fluent fool.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Culture “To study the language and not the culture is to become a fluent fool.”

2 2 Objectives Discuss and define culture; Look reflectively at our national and individual culture Research American educational philosophy and compare and contrast it with Chinese educational philosophy 2

3 “Alice” is a Chinese student who has just arrived in the US to do graduate studies. After a long and tiring flight from China, she goes through customs at the airport. Then, with all of her luggage, she waits in line for a taxi. After a long annoying wait, she finally gets a taxi. However, the taxi driver seems friendly enough, and the taxi is comfortable, so she is able to relax a little during the long drive to her school. When she gets to the school, the taxi’s meter reads $32.50, so she starts getting the money out of her wallet. But when the taxi stops the driver turns around, smiles at Alice, and says that she should give him $50!


5 Who ARE you?





10 Think about it...


12 What is CULTURE?

13 Four Levels of Culture

14 Differences So…why do some people in one group behave differently from people in another group?

15 Studying Culture…

16 Worksheet #1 Think about some of the features…

17 Worksheet #1


19 China!

20 What is CULTURE?

21 Aspects of Culture

22 The Cultural Iceberg Model Get into groups of 3-4. Decide which numbers from Worksheet 1 are “Hidden” and which numbers are “Visible.” Be prepared to give reasons! Get into groups of 3-4. Decide which numbers from Worksheet 1 are “Hidden” and which numbers are “Visible.” Be prepared to give reasons!




26 One definition... Culture is a system of beliefs, values, and assumptions about life that guide behavior and are shared by a group of people. It includes customs, language, and material artifacts. These are transmitted from generation to generation, rarely with explicit instructions.

27 Final Questions: How do you think you learned your culture? How do you think your culture has shaped you? How has it influenced your values, preferences, and beliefs? How do you think you learned your culture? How do you think your culture has shaped you? How has it influenced your values, preferences, and beliefs?

28 Rate: Which of these things are most important to your identity: –Friends –Family –experience s –nationality –ethnicity –Friends –Family –experience s –nationality –ethnicity –School –intellectual abilities –Appearance –Religion –girlfriend/boyf riend

29 Tell a story... When did something happen to you that really changed the way you see yourself?

30 Take a Break!! Take a 5 minute break....after the break we will start our discussion on American Educational Philosophy

31 American Educational Philosophy Today we will read about the philosophy of American education. You will learn about what Americans believe about teaching and learning, and that I, as a North American teacher, do not teach informally because I’m unskilled or uncaring, but because of deep beliefs about education. Today we will read about the philosophy of American education. You will learn about what Americans believe about teaching and learning, and that I, as a North American teacher, do not teach informally because I’m unskilled or uncaring, but because of deep beliefs about education.

32 An American Teaching Model Most American educational philosophy comes from a man named John Dewey Dewey was a psychologist and philosopher. He believed that practical knowledge (the ability to do things in life) is more important than theoretical knowledge (just knowing ideas, words, formulas etc.) Most American educational philosophy comes from a man named John Dewey Dewey was a psychologist and philosopher. He believed that practical knowledge (the ability to do things in life) is more important than theoretical knowledge (just knowing ideas, words, formulas etc.)

33 Dewey’s Words: (From “My Pedagogic Creed”) “The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences (p. 9).”

34 Dewey’s Words: (From “My Pedagogic Creed”) “I believe that education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living.” “I believe that the school must represent present life - life as real and vital to the child as that which he carries on in the home, in the neighborhood, or on the play-ground.” I believe that education which does not occur through forms of life, forms that are worth living for their own sake, is always a poor substitute for the genuine reality and tends to cramp and to deaden. “I believe that education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living.” “I believe that the school must represent present life - life as real and vital to the child as that which he carries on in the home, in the neighborhood, or on the play-ground.” I believe that education which does not occur through forms of life, forms that are worth living for their own sake, is always a poor substitute for the genuine reality and tends to cramp and to deaden.

35 Vocabulary.... When we learn new vocabulary, we should keep in mind that some words are Active, some are Passive. Active words are words that you say and write, not only see or hear. Passive words are those that you can understand when seeing or hearing them, but don’t usually produce them. When we learn new vocabulary, we should keep in mind that some words are Active, some are Passive. Active words are words that you say and write, not only see or hear. Passive words are those that you can understand when seeing or hearing them, but don’t usually produce them.

36 Real Texts... We will read many real English texts written for native English speakers. I will do my best to give you as much vocabulary as possible to help you understand the texts and learn new words from them. We will read many real English texts written for native English speakers. I will do my best to give you as much vocabulary as possible to help you understand the texts and learn new words from them.

37 “An American Teaching Model” First, please listen as I read this article to you. After I read, I will ask each small group of students to summarize one paragraph of the article. Finally, we will discuss American beliefs about education. First, please listen as I read this article to you. After I read, I will ask each small group of students to summarize one paragraph of the article. Finally, we will discuss American beliefs about education.

38 Discussion of American and Chinese Education How does the American method of teaching differ from the typical Chinese method? How is the teacher different? How will the students be different? Which method is more comfortable to you? Why? If we were to combine the best parts of both education systems to make a better one, what parts should we use from each of them? How does the American method of teaching differ from the typical Chinese method? How is the teacher different? How will the students be different? Which method is more comfortable to you? Why? If we were to combine the best parts of both education systems to make a better one, what parts should we use from each of them?

39 39 HOMEWORK Discussion on “Worksheet #1” 39

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